2017 ?
As we come to the end of a good year for MCF we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season.
2016 has been good for fundraising and financial support and we have been able to clear our debts for the year. Thank you so much for your individual support without which it would not have been possible. Some good publicity and support in Portugal helped the final drive for funds.
Going into 2017 we aim to be much more careful as it is so full of uncertainties. Only a few of our children have confirmed sponsorship for 2017 and we as a foundation do not plan to commit children to a new full year of school unless we are certain that we can pay the bills - The new school year in Bangladesh starts in January.
We have already managed to raise some funds toward 2017 thanks to recent support from some very generous individuals and corporates in the UAE and we are now on a desperate drive to raise more funds for the new school term.
If we don't raise enough we face the task of reducing the number of children we submit to school, this will be a difficult task but it is necessary.
There will be a lot of tears, upset families and very emotional but we have no choice.
We have to focus on quality, we have learned from experience that when we are behind on payments, fundraising becomes our only goal, which means that we have no resources to manage the operation and plan ahead for the future. This is not acceptable for MCF, our aim has always been to be innovative and to provide good quality education and guidance for the children - this requires focus.
We also plan in 2017 to make MCF more sustainable, with one or two avenues of income planned, this may take a bit of time to develop but hopefully will eventually mean that we no longer need to ask our supporters for direct donations (at least not so often ??) .
So please if you can find a way to support us financially for 2017 please do so as soon as you can so that we can submit as many children as possible for the new term. If you were planning to maybe donate sometime later during 2017 please see if you can bring it forward and pay it earlier so that it can go towards new school submission.
Thank you so much for your support and for making a real difference in the world. Every penny from donations goes towards the children's education and so towards their future, and the future of their family and their generations down the line.