Will 2016 be the Year You Finally Achieve Your Goals?
John Di Frances
Leadership, Open Innovation & Ethics Author, Global Keynote Speaker & Consultant - Helping Organizations Achieve Sustainable Growth and Profitability
Jumpstart 2016 by Taking Action Now
As 2015 is rapidly coming to a close, will it be a year you remember for the successful rapid advances your business has made or will it be another 'we better try harder next year?' All too often, we begin each new year with great expectations and intentions, only to finish it having achieved merely incremental gains in marketshare, profits and ROI.
If you truly want 2016 to be the year your company finally breaks out and achieves those accomplishments which will take it to a new level in your marketplace, then you need to begin now, while 2015 is winding down. The reason most executives rarely see their beginning of the New Year's objectives met, is that they don't start the year having already made the changes that are necessary to do so. Instead, the holidays end, January rolls in and it's back to business as usual. No change from 2015's strategies and objectives will yield no significant improvement in 2016's results.
Putting the needed changes and new strategic direction in place before the Christmas holiday period, enables you and your team to hit the ground running on Monday morning, January 4th. By doing so, your team will understand not only what is expected of them in 2016, but will also have an action plan of how they will achieve these goals.
When your people return to work in early January, they are rested and primed to go. In most businesses, activity picks up quickly after New Years and with the lean structure of organizations today, that means all hands are busy, too busy dealing with the issues of everyday business activity to be thinking about making the strategic changes needed to dramatically improve ROI.
And as a company executive, that same early January pick-up in business will likely also ensnare you, preventing you from implementing the innovative strategies that will make the difference. Let's face it, you begin each year with good intentions and high hopes, but before long, those intentions are soon overwhelmed by the demands placed upon you. Today, most senior executives admit to spending less than five present of their time on strategic issues that are crucial to profitable growth and sustainability and 95% on daily operations, routine meetings and 'firefighting.'
Open Innovation Will Deliver the Results You Seek
Now, not January, is the time to look ahead to 2016 and determine to utilize open innovation to achieve the results which have heretofore alluded you. Properly implemented, open innovation will not only deliver the results you seek, but will also fundamentally change your company, its culture and its people.
Working harder, longer and leaner will not and I repeat, WILL NOT, result in the types of dynamic breakthroughs which can accelerate your company to a position ahead of the pack of competitors. Continuing the trend of working harder, longer and leaner will, at best, only keep you in the midst of the pack. However, 2016 can be the year when you break free and leave your competitors in the dust. Taking action now will ensure that your team begins the year focused on what is important, instead of only what is urgent!
For more information on taking action now, in order to be prepared to begin the new year with a concerted focus on utilizing open innovation to radically increase ROI in 2016, contact me.