2016... the year that was...
Arun Gupta
Co founder Win Over Cancer ; Partner Krishan Rakesh & Co Chartered Accountants
Finally 2016 is coming at an end… Is it only a date? Probably no. It has been a year of great experience, lessons and learning.
Victory over fear: All along my journey with cancer I had been afraid of death and chemotherapy. Finally, cornered down with progression of disease, my treatment for cancer started and I found that Chemo was a mixture of pain, thrill, excitement and more so, self belief… Started with 10% chance of survival in February this year, the family, doctors and friends stood by me that we will win and I won the first leg of the battle! Learned that death is inevitable but life is perishable…we have to learn to enjoy what will perish over a period of time.
Definition of belief: Cancer is a beautiful disease. It makes you learn “belief”…in “youself”, in “people” and most importantly, in “God”. Oct 2015… fired from a 5 year old job on medical grounds (I had to go for treatment)…God sent three angels who reinforced faith in my capabilities, held my hand and told me all I need is to believe in my self.
Meaning of life: Life is all about giving…what you give is that you get. We all faced challenges. For good 3 months hospital was our home. Neighbours came forward to take care of my children. Another neighbour created an isolation room for me at his home! We were short of funds. My doctors actually helped me reduce the cost of treatment. Me and my wife decided to pay back to the society what we got from them. Programs of Win Over Cancer were carefully thought of and refined. Today we have 11 programs and are trying to pay back what we got from God and His sent Angels. Win Over Cancer keeps me alive and going
Self belief: I discovered that every day is a new experience and this experience is meant to prepare us for future. Many thanks to people who disowned me at the time of distress. They gave me belief that I can do it on my own. The self belief inflicted by “Cancer” has helped me think differently on various matters and identify opportunities. I am glad that I have been able to convince people with my thoughts and approach and they can see a value in these…be it GST, Win Over Cancer or Otherwise.
Thank you 2016…you have given me a lot…a lot of friends… a new perspective of life and value of relationships…Thanks everyone for being a part of my life!!
Content Creator | AI Coach | ESG Influencer| Top Fiscal Talent Recruiter | M&A, Tax & Policy Advisory | xIOCL, xSchlumberger, xOracle, xCoca-cola, xSnapdeal
8 年Arun gupta Ji , you are a true Yoddha who fought against all odds and inspire others with your positive energy. We wish you healthy and joyful life and Happy New Year 2017