2016 National Wetland Plant List Update!

2016 National Wetland Plant List Update!

The 2016 National Wetland Plant List will become effective on May 1, 2016.. Delineations received prior to this date may still use the 2014 NWPL, or delineators may choose to use the 2016 list.

This update contains 8,092 species, a net change of 35 more species (39 species added in the SPI, six new species in the Continental U.S. (CONUS), and removal of ten UPL species). The 2016 list includes changes in plant indicator status from the 2014 list for 186 species found in the CONUS. Since these 186 species can occur in multiple Corps delineation regions, each having a unique rating, there were a total of 306 rating changes. 

The specific breakout of the 306 rating changes was: 49 percent (150 ratings) were assigned wetter indicator ratings and 51 percent (156 ratings) species were assigned drier indicator ratings. Ratings for 41 species were wetter in one region and drier in another region and ratings of three species did not change. 

The National Wetland Plant List can be found online: https://rsgisias.crrel.usace.army.mil/NWPL/


Kimberly Degutis, PWS的更多文章

