2016 Is A Great Financial Year To Me, Is It To You?
Ernest Wong
A nature-loving photographer; a road-trip lover; and a car-race enthusiast. An employee at day time; a trader/investor at night.
There’re only 3 of us working in the office upstairs. We may be the only few most diligent white collars in Auckland New Zealand today – the last working day of 2016. We are gonna have a party in 3 hours, but before we are indulging ourselves I think I’d better write up some reviews about my gains and pains in 2016, so that I can learn and move forward in 2017.
2016 has proved to be a very volatile and unpredictable year. After the 3 major black swan events (namely Brexit, elected Trump, and Italian Referendum) along with hundreds of smallers, many results turned out to be opposite to market predictions or consensus. Many investors or traders have suffered from Brexit and the US election, when these people gambled on the predictions or advice from their advisors; others were well prepared to safe-guard their nest eggs, or/and take advantage of the volatility, and their wealth has increased.