Ask and You Shall Receive
Tricia Duffy - Author
Top Selling Author on Amazon~ Fibromyalgia Whisperer~ Founder of the Grandmother Revolution~ Communicator Extraordinaire
Probably many of you have seen the video on YouTube where Westlet decide to give people their Christmas wishes. (It is well worth watching and if you haven’t seen it the link is at the bottom of this blog.)
Apart from the ‘feel good’ element, there are several things I found interesting about this story. The first is how people dare to dream. Even in the most impoverished of circumstances it pays to dream big. One of the girls asked for a doll and that is what she got. One man asked for a horse and a horse is what materialised for him.
Another asked for a new engine for his motorbike. He ran a taxi service and needed a new engine for the bike. He was also clear about the WHY. He needed it in order to feed his family. Goals are very strong when you know exactly and in great detail WHAT you want. It is also much more powerful when the WHY is very clear and has a strong emotional attachment. What can be more powerful than the desire to feed and protect your family?
It is okay to wish for a doll if that is the pinnacle of your desires, but I wonder how many people wished that they had expanded their horizons and asked for more!
We need to ask and we need to be specific and clear about our desire. I am still amazed at the number of people who cannot answer the question ‘What exactly is it you want?’
If the desire does not materialise then we need to look at what we are doing to block it. Trying to work out the HOW is one sure way to prevent your desires coming to you. I have had many instances in my life when I have received and it was in a way I would never have expected. Don’t worry about the how.
Having a mind set that there is lack and scarcity will also block the flow. There is more than enough for everyone.
A feeling that you do not ‘deserve’ the better job or more money will also prevent it manifesting in your life.
I like this video because it builds up the belief system that there are good things in life and that even people in quite impoverished conditions can realise their dreams!
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