The facts that prove Twitter will help your career in 2015.
Dan S?dergren
Inspirational keynote speaker / trainer and author about #AI, #Technology and the #futureofwork. Hire Dan as your inspirational #keynotespeaker for your next event, conference or training day.
Want to know how powerful Twitter has become? Their new (ish) MD and legendary speaker Mr Daisely is ranked at the most powerful man in social media. Bruce, receives the additional honour of being named Individual of the Year at the Social Buzz Awards 2014. Not that I am jealous, he is an amazing speaker and a very cool guy. But the point is...
The most powerful person in social media isn't from Facebook. That’s right not someone from Facebook or an power industry leader but Twitter’s MD. When it comes to small business their SMB Partnerships Manager, Brian Lavery, another great speaker online (heck there is a pattern here) is ranked 26th in the 100 most important people in UK Entrepreneurship beating anyone from Google and half of the government.
Twitter from small fry to big whale.
So why has Twitter, once a small fry in the social media world, done so well? There are many reasons and the stats below will show you more. But one of the key ones for me, is not only how much Twitter spends on staff (i.e. real people evangelising on the ground) more than other tech companies. But on it's clever strategy on direction for the future, and not just as Bruce Daisley said to me a few years back -
Mobile is in Twitter DNA
It is that is true but it's the future not the past which is so exciting for Twitter as Jeff Bulla comments:
“You only have to look at its latest hiring trends that are mass media and television centric to realise that Twitter is pushing towards the integration of television, social and mass media.â€
Which might be because of this...
This focused strategy by Twitter management to make mass media and social work together is maybe one of the reasons that its latest quarter two results that exceeded every analysts expectations.
It is also the area of second screening, with the lovely link of hashtags, which makes both television and twitter a dream match. I would not watch the Eurovision song contest without Twitter - and I don't think I have done before...
Let alone the World Cup - which was Twitter's greatest triumph, really placing it on the World stage... (TPM = Tweets per minute!)
This is why Twitter has become a social media phenomena that you will need to harness in 2015 for your career.
Why? Because if you don't millions of others will.
Some more amazing Twitter facts and stat
There was a 24% increase in monthly active users (MAU) over the last 4 quarters with the total now at 271 million.
Twitter has added 53 million users in the last 12 months
Twitter’s monthly mobile users now total 211 million, which is a gain of 29%
I might not have it's own way when it comes to selling stuff - but a lot of research for products happens on Twitter.
More Stats for Twitter's growth.
Timeline views reached 173 billion for the the second quarter of 2014
Twitter is currently valued at $27.3 billion which is 200 times forward earnings compared to Facebook at 39.4 times
Tweets with images receive 18% more clicks than those without
One thing however, is that Twitter almost follows the 80 / 20 rule with a top 15% of users doing 80% of the tweets.
Which is either a good thing or a bad thing. It's a bad thing potentially for Twitter itself, as lots of people are listening and engaging rather than producing, but you could argue that's what the world is like all over i.e. the 80 / 20 rule itself.
And it's a good thing - if you want to thought lead and be a producer of content i.e. millions of people wanting to be led, wanting to listen, willing to click, wanting to engage with ideas and products you produce and wanting to follow you.
People follow other people: For different reasons...
Why is this important?
Twitter's growth, from something a few do, to something we all do on our mobile phones and at work, now means it can be used to amplify our own brands. Not only for business, but for ourselves.
Twitter will make a big difference to how you are employed and who employs you, way beyond being a social media manager. In fact, more and more roles will take on part of being a social media manager. You will all become ambassadors for your brands, for your companies, for your own lives.
What I want to do is teach you how to become a power user. To become on of the those top 20%, in fact to become one of the top 20% of that 20%.
Twitter’s growth is amazing.
And it is why you should be mastering it in 2015 for your career.
What facts and figures surprised you?
Did you think Twitter was declining or growing?
Do you think you should be using Twitter more for your marketing and brand awareness?
I would like your help.
As I want to create some personal Twitter training for business people who want to use Twitter to amplify their own reach, have more of an influence and connect with people to maximise their opportunities. Just like I have done.
What I would like to know from you are your thoughts on this.
What matters the most to you? Is it influence, followers, or conversations?
Comment below.
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About the Author:
Dan Sodergren is a professional speaker and digital marketing trainer. He specialises in mobile and social marketing with ideas ranging from augmented reality, to RTB and back again. He trains companies and individuals in best practice on social and mobile marketing platforms, gets to talk about it all on radio and is even occasionally seen on the BBC.
About Digital Marketing Training:
At Great Marketing Works we help companies, brands, and individuals get better at digital marketing. As a social media and mobile marketing specialist, I get asked to speak at events. If you would like me at yours email
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