Equipping Catholics to Reach More
During this Advent season, we wait in hope for our Lord to definitively shine the light into our darkness. We wait for peace to reign over this world so troubled by war. We wait for our wounds and sicknesses to be forever pushed aside by our Divine Healer. We wait for the day when loving relationships will no longer be torn asunder by physical death and toxic selfishness. Our Lord is coming. He will rescue us from this cosmic brokenness. We wait in this sure hope.
We also wait in hope for the Christian Church to rise up and more fully embrace its evangelical call. As Catholics, we carry a great hope that our Lord's promise of Matthew 16 would be seen more pervasively in the world: "And the gates of hell will not prevail against it." But Christian waiting is not a passive waiting - we strive in hope as we wait for the fulfillment of these promises.
During this #GivingTuesday please consider supporting the work of the Evangelical Catholic. We are equipping local Catholic leaders, both lay and ordained, to reach more people in their communities and experience the joy of evangelization.
In the last year, we doubled the ministries with whom we work to over 80. Parishes and Catholic campus ministries are expanding their outreach and deepening the formation in their Catholic communities. Laity are committing to daily prayer, deeper sacramental lives, and relationally sharing their life in Christ with their friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family.
These evangelical co-workers are working together to reach over 3500 people around the country through Catholic evangelization small groups that gather in neighborhoods and workplaces.
We are working on new projects to equip hundreds more parishes and campus ministries as economically and quickly as possible. In the next few months, we will be launching online tools and video training series to make our training more accessible and complement our on-site consulting services.
Catholic leaders are longing for practical training that turns around the momentum of their communities from attrition to dynamic growth. Evangelization is the answer. It works. More Catholic leaders need the step-by-step training and practical application that leads to fruitfulness.
Please help us today on this #GivingTuesday. Click here to give.
God bless you this Advent as you actively wait in hope.
-Jason J. Simon, Executive Director