Please, make sure this is written on my grave: Are they back just yet?
Ares Kalogeropoulos

Please, make sure this is written on my grave: Are they back just yet?

Last night I decided to go and watch the Promakhos movie, shot to boost our (Greeks) efforts and feelings, for the historical unification of the Parthenon Sculptures to their home (Greece). I believe, though, that it was also shot as a common protest of the heart of every person that might be i.e. American or from any other country, but has a Greek origin; just like the brothers-creators of this movie were. Critics said that the movie wasn't that great to watch or to be true, that it was bad. I, on the other hand, don't remember. The only thing I remember now, 2 hours later, is the feelings I experienced... That is to stand up and tear the screen in pieces (how Greek would that be?) when that English actor pronounced "No", with a tone of voice that broke my heart, got me furious and let a tear come out, all in a few seconds. The question asked was:

"Does the British Museum has any intention of ever returning the Parthenon Marbles to Greece, with a lawful title?"

My story begins when I was 8 years old. There was this school "ride" I had to attend, along with my school friends; a day at the Parthenon. We arrived there, under our Greek hot sun and clear blue sky – those days, I thought we were the only country in the world privileged to enjoy these two treasures - and started walking while listening to the tour guide. Later that day, we also visited the old Acropolis Museum, where just before I ended my thirst to learn a few things out of this trip, an allergy shock hit me and had to leave in no time, for the hospital. All moments were stolen from me. The sculptures, the experience and explanation for each artifact, were all stolen from me. That's how I felt then. Exactly as I, as a grown-up, still feel for different reasons.

The story unfolds. I had just turned 20. My Public Speaking teacher at Deree College made it clear for us. "Let's take it easy on you guys. Go and find yourselves a loving topic, and then, your passion might wear your anxiety out on your 1st public speech – this you can manage!". Now, there was my excuse, driving my curiosity to Plaka, where the Melina Merkouri Foundation was. At the time, I never thought it would be so easy. I called them and I recall they seemed so happy to hear I was to write an essay, which would form a debating speech on the Return of the Parthenon Marbles. That was when I was taught never to call them "the Elgin Marbles" again. This was a "so-called" popular term, whereas they should be called "the Parthenon Marbles". After several years though, I found out that their rightful term, instead of all mistaken tags, is "The Parthenon Sculptures".

So, the research begun. The MM Foundation gave me the whole file on the subject, photocopies of all her efforts, speeches and forums held worldwide for the Return of the Parthenon Sculptures. I was revealed so many things I wasn't aware of and learned by heart how to defend my (our) case, having the knowledge of all existing arguments, not to mention the 2 most important ones. Firstly, the sculptures were violated and stolen (proof exists) from Lord Elgin. The firman and all relevant documents found, approved one and the same thing. The Lord was allowed only to study the monument and take measurements of its pieces, either those ones on it or those fallen on the ground.

Secondly and quite as much important, the Parthenon, a monument of worldwide beauty and importance, could never be perceived in its full existence without its torn-apart pieces, not for all past or future generations. At least, never, if it was not to be viewed as an integral whole. Only then, visitors from around the world would be able to grasp its history, sense, symmetry and reason. Which means that everyone visiting the Parthenon and/or the British Museum, trying to fill in the gaps on either of the two scenes, would clearly waste time and cost. The inspiration and knowledge could not, ever, be realized.

To return to the movie experience, I only have to admit and repeat that I can't remember how the actors performed or directors visualized their point. I only remember my heart beating fast, my soul complaining, my being as a future mother lost... only to think of, that my children would most probably never be able to see the Parthenon as an integral whole. Or feel that sense of belonging I've been craving for, since I was 8.

Maybe I was never a big fan of history class when I was at school... Maybe I've missed important details of this subject and efforts made from both sides to prove the unproven. But I do know this. I have to, I simply have to believe that some day, when my children would be still very young, I will have the opportunity each and every Sunday, to take them by the hand and walk up the Acropolis hill, under my Greek hot sun, under my clear blue sky, and show them what my ancestors built, cherished and hoped to inspire the generations to come. While also, show them why we Greeks felt confused, half and disengaged all the years we missed our sculptures.

So, could you please bring them back home? Please, hurry.

And if I don't get to experience this happiness and calmness in my heart, please make sure this is written on my grave:

"Are they back just yet?"


[Check out the Caryatids Video and the I am Greek and I Want to Go Home Video]


Ethel Agelatou is a Career Branding Coach & an HR Consultant, as well as an Editor of Career Consulting Journals (online & offline), covering topics on personal branding, unemployment, HR researches, Social Media and entrepreneurship (,,,, HR Professional,

But most passionately of all, she is a LinkedIn Trainer & Evangelist, specializing in promoting and highlighting both Personal and Corporate Branding of LinkedIn users’ profiles, while conducting:

  • In-house corporate trainings (customized services on clients’ needs/online brand)
  • Open seminars (speeches/hands-on workshops)
  • One-to-one sessions, improving personal or corporate e-branding

She has trained more than 1000 people via hands-on workshops and auditorium lectures, and collaborated so far with more than 12 organizations & associations.Follow Ethel's work on her LinkedIn Greek Community Facebook page, Twitter and

Dr. Britta A. Moeser

International Politics and Economy / CEO / Strategist / Speaker

9 年

The pugnacious Greeks have found their match in the indomitable Brits.


Language is critical in any debate. Calling the Parthenon Sculptures Elgin Marbles degrades them and makes retrieving them sound like a childish exercise. Return the Parthenon Sculptures to Greece where they belong.

Muhammad Faisal Saleem

Chief Executive Officer at Innovatus Property Solutions

10 年

Nice article chosen

George Kary

Helping connect the dots in software development and project lifecycles

10 年

I wholeheartedly agree with your reasoning and share the same view on the affair. However, considering the financial situation of our nation and the mass amendments currently experienced by public administrations throughout, would it be wise to allow Greece to manage more historical artifacts, when they blindly shut down museums without knowing what is happening (case and point, a museum in the island of Lesvos, this summer)? We are proving day in and day out that we really can't handle anything seriously, without destroying it or changing its initial nature.

Alexandros Karanikolos

Founder & Owner @ Deli Carpous

10 年



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