Hush stridently doubles its funding goal of $100K on Kickstarter.
Wireless noise masking earplugs that block out the world while still letting you hear the things that matter most. - HUSH Earplugs
A team of engineers that all have the first name Daniel, created a solution to a problem faced by millions of people around the world. The age old problem of not being able to sleep peacefully because of a neighbor, a snoring partner, a loud street, or a loud airplane are all examples that most of us have faced at some point in our lives. Hush created a simple yet very Smart solution and reinvented the earplug. Hush combines sound eliminating foam with noise masking to isolate you from your surrounding environment.
Hush reached its goal of $100,000 in less than a week on Kickstarter, and today it has more than doubled its goal to $258,515 with 26 days remaining. Since we started working with HUSH we have seen some amazing stories from SlashGear, Daily Mail, Huffington Post, CNET, BetaBeat and more! In the last 48 hrs alone the campaign has raised over $56K!
As one of our newest clients at Crowdco we are very excited to see the phenomenal response from the public and the press who like us, see a brighter future where they soon will be able to rest like they should and listen to an alarm without waking anybody else. Things look bright and happy for these amazing team of engineers and not a very quiet time at HUSH :-)
Need help with your Kickstarter campaign? Let's talk! [email protected]