Pitch To Us! Share Your Ideas! Become Our Partner On Shared Equity!

Pitch To Us! Share Your Ideas! Become Our Partner On Shared Equity!

Value of an idea is only worth if nourished and groomed in time. Not always most ideas are even believed to become as huge and massively successful as they eventually turn out. So the secret of the successful idea lies not only on how impeccable your idea is. But it also depends on how quickly you commercialize it.

One of the largest issues we – as an IT solutions provider – believe that do not allow every idea to be a Napster or Facebook or Google, for example – is lack of technical aptitude that your technology partner must obtain. It begins with the ability to understand the solution that idea brings to the world. And right after that, it requires strong technical attributes to deploy it.

At Hive Infotech, we have team of engineers and research ninjas to turn-around your idea into reality. We have the technical know-how to debottleneck the grey areas of your Project. And our passionate marketers have the skills to take the product out in the market with a boom. But you might ask that there are several developers asking for this opportunity; why provide us the opportunity?

No 1 reason is because we can deliver it in the midst of plethora of challenges may come our way. And second of all, you have trouble managing the funds for the Project – we can help you with that also. Just share your idea with us (Under NDA). And also suggest how much is your budget to spend for the Project. Our team of analysts will review the potential and if we like the idea – we will work on the Project as Equity Partners.

So share your ideas and take the opportunity to build your dream Project till it is fresh. To know more about our engagement models, visit https://www.hiveinfotech.com/business-model. And for more info, send an email to [email protected].


