Are you Alive - Think twice
Santosh Kumar
Senior counsel having experience of government affairs, risk management, litigation and contract management
It is known and admitted facts that those who is born has to die. But inspite of that question often emerges is that are you alive ? are we leaving the life we love? are we leaving the life on our own terms? Honest survey will indicate towards the question being relevant and essence of the answer would be no. As a result of that We have been witnessing many examples of succides,depressions, quarrel, disputes, divorce and dismantling of social fabric. Sri Sri Ravi shankar success with art of leaving is a clear testimony of that many people be it male or female are not happy with their life and turning towards some assistance to come out of that. Then again the question would emerge is that why it is so ?
There may be a long list of factors .But however after proper analysis, we will find that human beings alone is responsible for this.The majority of the human being does have the tendency to succumb to our circumstances and surroundings. They can not sustain the pressure of fast and changing life. Social pressure and peer pressure kills their jeal. They just flow with their time and then the time comes when they accept their destiny and starts to curse their Luck and God. But every one forgets that every one can not succeed, can not become rich, can not lead, can not be influential but what we can do is that we can lead a meaningful, enjoyable and humanly life within the resources available. We can not always pass the time cursing our life, luck and surroundings. Is it possible? It is surely possible by practising the following ways
1. Enjoy your hobbies, passions and what ever you do. 2. Never compete with others- You are unique, special and better at being you than anyone else. 3. Stop letting life happen and make life happen - Set goals for your personal and professional life. 4. Celebrate the little victories. 5. Learn to show more gratitude. 6. Adopt a new habits and practice. 7. Keep your self improving 8. Listen to those people smarter and wiser than you
Last but not least god has given us this precious life. We should not waste it. We should always feel that we have been send on this earth for some mission. It is never too late to make these changes. Embrace change, swallow hard and move on. Enjoy the life you lead. Life is a journey. Sorrow and happiness are bound to happen in ones life. We can not chose only happiness as sorrow are inevitable. Hence we need to enjoy this part of the life too.