The Don & Betty Draper Era Isn't Over Yet
The hit TV series ‘Mad Men’ is fraught with prodigious boozing, classy apparel, and overt sexism. It’s set in the 1950s, where women are dolled-up secretaries or accommodating housewives, and men are the primary breadwinners. But ‘Mad Men’-esque gender roles, which see women assuming the lion’s share of childcare responsibilities, did not die with the 1950s, the 1960s, or even the 1990s.
As Lauren Everitt reports for Poets&Quants, a study of 5,282 Harvard Business School MBAs found that imbalanced gender roles are still alive and well today and no doubt keep women from leaning in and breaking through. The researchers surveyed HBS MBAs, ranging from age 26 through 67, at graduation and later in life on everything from child-rearing expectations to career goals to job satisfaction. Their results were published in the December 2014 issue of the Harvard Business Review.
The researchers found that most male MBAs expected their careers to take priority over their partner’s–an assumption that played out in most cases. Women graduates, on the other hand, mistakenly believed their careers would be equal in importance to their partner’s and were often sorely disappointed.
More specially, 61% of men in Generation X (32–48) and 56% of males in the Baby Boomer age bracket (49–67) expected their careers to take precedence. Their expectations were exceeded. Male Gen Xers’ careers took priority 70% of the time, and 74% of Boomer males enjoyed career priority. More than three-quarters of male graduates also predicted that their partners would assume most child-care responsibilities. In reality, 86% of males in both generations pawned off primary child-rearing responsibilities on their partner.
Even more surprising, the pro-pot, pro-same-sex marriage Millennials seem to shed some of their progressivism when it comes to gender roles. In other words, the era of Don and Betty Draper isn’t over yet. Half of Millennial men surveyed expect their careers to take priority over their partner’s occupation. Slightly more than a quarter of female MBAs surveyed (26%) expect their careers to take second-tier status. It gets worse with childcare. Among Millennials, some 66% of men and 42% of women expect female grads to take primary responsibility for raising the kids. It’s still too early to gauge how reality plays out for this generation, but as the study authors conclude, “…if previous generations are any indication, change won’t occur soon.”
However, lead author and HBS professor Robin Ely downplays the ‘Mad Men’ reference in terms of who gets to bring home the bacon. “I don’t think women expect men’s careers to take precedence, but they encounter a workplace that creates that,” she says. “I think the thing that does persist is this cultural expectation, that both men and women buy into, about who is the best caretaker of children. If there is anything that’s persisting from the 50s … that seems to be thing that people are holding onto, rather than men’s careers taking priority.”
All of this would be a moot point if women grads were cheerfully clocking out of their careers and embracing motherhood. But that’s simply not the case, according to the Harvard study. Women across all three generations were far less satisfied than their male counterparts. Some 50% to 60% of men surveyed were “extremely satisfied” or “very satisfied” across four career metrics (meaningful work, professional accomplishments, career opportunities, and work-life balance), while only 40% to 50% of women were similarly satisfied. It’s a classic case of unrealized expectations: Women leave B-school with high ambitions to carve out successful careers, end up shouldering child-rearing responsibilities, and ultimately feel unfulfilled professionally.
But Ely is quick to squelch the husband-bashing impulse inherent in such findings. “We have to be mindful of the fact that men tend to have the advantage in terms of salary and promotion, and so that kind of reinforces the fact that men’s careers tend to be primary,” she says. “It’s a confluence of factors, but I don’t think that its husbands holding their wives back.”
The study authors further suggest that, contrary to conventional wisdom, women aren’t “opting out” to care for children. Rather, Ely says the current business climate is pushing female graduates out, often against their will. These uber-motivated women are leaving as a last resort when they find themselves saddled with unfulfilling roles and a narrower set of opportunities, she says.
However, the evidence here is murky. The researchers point out that only 11% of Gen X and Boomer women are out of the workforce to care for children full-time. But that statistic overlooks those women accepting less demanding roles or declining promotions. Moreover, the authors point out that 28% of Gen X and 44% of Baby Boom women took a break of more than six months to care for children, compared with only 2% of men. That alone suggests that women are, in fact, “opting out” more than men. It may just be a case of semantics–after all Harvard researchers undoubtedly don’t want to paint their alumnae as career housewives. However, glossing over the fact that women may willingly sideline their careers to care for children certainly isn’t doing females any favors either.
When pressed, Ely holds firm. “I don’t think we can conclude that women have opted out,” she says. “We could conclude that women may find themselves in less demanding jobs, less powerful jobs, but I don’t think we can conclude that they’ve decided to move to those jobs.”
So what to do? Rather than issuing yet another call for women MBAs to buckle down and stay late, the researchers suggest that spouses should step up: “‘Lean in’ is a rallying cry for women trying to navigate the workplace, but our survey results make us think that Sheryl Sandberg’s other slogan—’Make your partner a real partner’—is every bit as crucial, and perhaps more apt for young, achievement-oriented women who aspire to have meaningful, fully valued career,” they write.
Perhaps more significantly, the authors echo Anne-Marie Slaughter’s call for institutional change in the workplace. “Companies need to take a long hard look at how they work and decide whether those norms are really in the interest of the organization,” Ely says. Everyone can benefit from a more level playing field and more progressive policies, she contends. “This demand for 24-7 availability is untenable, and I’m not convinced it’s in an organization’s best interest. But I am convinced it’s not in the employees’ best interest, and that makes it hard for both men and women to have satisfying career and family lives.”
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10 年K?sz?n?m érdekl?dését. Kiadó full-extrás tengerparti apartmanok lakókocsi- bérlési áron!!Magyar apartmanok is Zadar Riviera Horvát Tengerpart ! Akció! Akár karácsonyi Ajándék is lehet!!! Dec.k?zepéig kedvezményesen letehet? most Magyarul! : Nálunk Tengeri-édesvizi Hajóvezet?i,?r?k jogositványt szerezhet már 46900ft-tól! magyarul! Már itthon is elfogadják,hazai vizeken! Nyaraljon Nálunk,válassza ki szállását tengerparti apartmanjaink k?zül Nálunk a Zadar Riviérán,Horvátország legnagyobb homokos strandján! érdekl?dj?n Honlapunkon,vezetékes számát,akár utcai fülkét is,visszahivjuk! Kedves érdekl?d?! Kérem informació kérése el?tt jel?ljon be ismer?snek,mert kül?nben nem tudom visszairni! K?sz?n?m.facebook: Racz Attila Szeged Zadar . honlap:
Results-oriented, equity professional with 15 years of equity/stock comp experience. Proactive problem solver, and strategic business partner with a proven ability to develop solutions and deliver results.
10 年I think today we see marriage more as as a partnership between the spouses and making decisions about family and career together not just the man dictacting the relationship and family. Why wasnt patterity leave mentioned when more companies offer it and more fathers take advantage of it? This article makes women look like they are stilled forced to eat at the little kids table.
Self Employed for the good of Humanity
10 年I can't imagine a surer way to alienate one's family than to live lives centred on something alien to it. There must be some non sexist way an husband and wife go through life as partners?
New Client Sales l Sales Mngt.l Acct. Mngt. l Blogger-Editor
10 年John, you have a mistake in the opening line when you cite "Mad Men" is set in the '50s. The first episode opens in 1960 just before the presidential election. That is used as the cue to show the shift into the 60s with the election of JFK. The show is build around the whole cultural shift that takes place in contrast to the 50s: the roles of women in business, traditional religion, gays becoming more visible, civil rights, youth, the war, music and the impact of media and consumer culture through the world of advertising mixed with the many foibles of characters, led by the conflicted Don Draper.
Bigos Management
10 年Technical point - Generation X begins in 1965, not 1966. The oldest Gen Xers are 49, not 48. The baby boom ended in 1964. The other side of this issue is that men are feeling that their careers will take precedence because just as many women feel childcare is primarily their responsibility, many men still feel supporting the family is ultimately THEIR responsibility. Expectations go both ways. I have known many high-earning women who pretty obviously feel that the financial welfare of the family is a bottom line responsibility for their husbands while what they earn of for retirement planning, vacations, etc. As long as men feel that pressure of being defined by income, they will expect their careers to take precedence.