Who Drinks the Most Wine?
Brian Wallace
Founder, NowSourcing - Infographic Expert | Google Board Member | International Keynote Speaker | Featured: NYT, Forbes, Mashable | Innovate Summit Creator | Advisory: #SXSW, Lexmark
Whether you meticulously pair wine with your dinners or just like to wind down with a glass at the end of the day, wine is a favorite for people all over the world. But have you ever wondered which country drinks the most wine? Here's a hint: production of wine doesn't necessarily mean consumption of wine. Countries like France and Italy that have been famous for their wines for hundreds of years are surprisingly second and third in the world when it comes to drinking it. The United States holds that spot.
Yes it's true, Americans love their wine and drink more of it than any other country on Earth. Ninety percent of the wine produced in America comes from vineyards in California. Out of the 752,431,183 gallons of wine produced in America in 2012, 662,818,311 of those came straight from California. If you love wine then you're going to love this infographic. Take a look at it for more about the worldwide wine industry and see who's making it all and who's drinking it all; you may be surprised.