There's a Baby Boomer in the Millennial's locker room!
Credit the person who made this image

There's a Baby Boomer in the Millennial's locker room!

I belong to a swanky fitness club in my home town. You know, the type of gym that shines your shoes while you workout, or will come and clean your fitness machine while you sit there...with judging eyes.

I know I know- who'd da thought? Me? Before you all roll your eyes at my blatant brag, let me share some thoughts with you.

  1. I do go to the gym, and my favorite machine is the one that dispenses ice. Yup, I am beating my personal bests on that one specific machine.
  2. I have learned that a Yoga studio is NOT a natural habitat for me. I am convinced that I am the least flexible human in a 45 mile radius.
  3. I am very confused about the locker room tendencies of different generations. Anyone under the age of 50 seems to have it right. Approach locker, change, stop by the lounge, catch the score of the game, stop by the urinal, get on the gym floor. After the workout- undress, use a few towels to remain strategically covered. Or at least be conscious of your potential "exposure." However- I am about to call out anyone over the age of 50. What is WITH you guys!? It's like a legacy of aboriginal tradition. A well dressed businessman walks in, and within 30 seconds he is indecently exposed in the most uncomfortable of situations. Now- I know, a locker room is a place for people to change, shower, and cool down. But some of these guys have GOT to be kidding me.

I'm fully convinced it's either these baby boomers are either 1) running a continuous prank to see how far they can take it...or 2) using the nudity to claim their territory..."oh yeah, you young active want to sit and watch the end of the game, well NOT IN COMFORT...I'm gonna sit right next to you (even though there are 74 other open seats) and I'm gonna do it sweaty, hairy, and naked!" And don't even get me started about the eye contact!

There is a fundamental difference in locker room etiquette between millennial and baby boomers that needs to be discussed.

So after my most recent aggressive workout, I went for a steam. (One thing that I must admit is that when I am at the gym, I want as little attention as possible. Not only do I traditionally under-perform in physical feats, I also use this as "ME TIME." I think. No music, no media, no email...just me. But I usually wear my headphones, sometimes not even attached to anything, just tucked into my pocket.) So- I jump in for a steam and join a group of men already in process, all of them fitting in the classic millennial age. There we were, all appropriately covered, and all quietly absorbing the heat individually. Then in comes 'one of them'- you know- the baby boomer, barging into our millennial pod, he has no towel, no flip flops, and certainly no self dignity.

After getting himself situated in a position that can only be described as 'spread eagle' he then makes eye contact and waves a few fingers to get my attention. I take my ear phones, acknowledging that I saw him.

"You watching the ball team this year?" - he asks.

I'm sorry, what? Did this older, fully naked stranger who I have mentally named "Aardvark" just interrupt my time to start a chit chat?

A conversation ensues, a few other guys jump in with their opinions, and we have a great talk about the talent of the local sports team. #DRoseStayhealthy

I've been stewing on this all day, and here is what I have realized. In our businesses, in our roles, in our jobs, the relationship between a millennial and baby boomer could be tough to maintain- and that can be significantly influencing employee engagement.

After all, baby boomers are in the waning moments of their empire, with the millennials expected to make up more than 50% of the American workforce by 2020. (according to Bob Kelleher at The Employee Engagement Group)

And maybe it's the uncomfortable locker room (metaphoric) behavior that is influencing the engagement of millennials. It is has been estimated that 7 of 10 employees are disengaged or actively disengaged. That's 70%!

Steven Parker- from the Achievers group, recently shared on DriveThru HR, that there is a key to engaging millennials. In 2014's survey on employee engagement, 79% of millennials stated that they expect immediate feedback based on performance. Think about that. Millennials process and share feedback with instantaneous results. (Yelp, FB, Insta, Blogs on LinkedIn)

So baby boomers, you wanna leave your legacy in good hands?

  1. Provide immediate feedback to all of us young guns. It engages us. Maybe it's a text (we'll teach you), maybe it's an email, or maybe it's using old school methods- like talking face to face (sarcasm font in beta).
  2. Trust us. We are going to fall on our face. We've done it before, on our rollerblades, skateboards, or maybe just trying to get on a treadmill. We know you are proud of what you built, and you know what, we are really impressed. We just show our gratitude in different ways. Like taking group selfies WITH you. and most important....
  3. COVER UP IN THE LOCKER ROOM!!! Us Millennials will appreciate it.

And if you do see me out, at the gym, at the airport, or anywhere in between...please know there is a good chance, I'm not listening to anything in my earphones.


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