How can I win the Competition?

How can I win the Competition?

Dear Baybars,

I was born in London and not a migrant, however my parents both came from different countries and built their new life here.

I started my training consultancy business around two years ago, and the reason I am writing to you is related to business competitions for winning awards and recognition. I have entered several competitions so far, and believe that I submitted good applications: improving on them each time.

Yet despite the fact that my business is doing well, I have never been selected once to the next stage, and not received any feedback in response to my requests. I am getting frustrated because it is a lot of time and effort put in and I see people winning that don’t appear to have done anything better than what I have achieved.

What is it that the judging panel are looking for that I may have missed? Is there any advice that you could give for me? Should I keep on with entering competitions and would the potential benefits make the persistence worthwhile?


Dear Maria,

If you haven’t been able to win a business competition yet, it doesn’t mean your business idea is not working. It only shows that you haven’t managed to put yourself in the shoes of the judges on the jury.

I am a regular jury member on many international business competitions, and believe me, what is judged in most competitions is the entrepreneur him / herself – not the business. Judges believe that any business in the world can make money, but the amount of money varies from one entrepreneur to another.

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