F(A)ssment: Authentication
Ali Alizadeh Ph.D.
Co-Founder and President of Fassment: Ultimate Digital Forensics PEcosystem. Championing Universal Privacy and Trust Building. Innovating for Safe and Secure A&Es. Leaders in Identification and Authentication Management
Authentication (from Greek: α?θεντικ?? authentikos, "real, genuine," from α?θ?ντη? authentes, "author") is the act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a single piece of data (datum) or entity. In contrast with identification which refers to the act of stating or otherwise indicating a claim purportedly attesting to a person or thing's identity, authentication is the process of actually confirming that identity. It might involve confirming the identity of a person by validating their identity documents, verifying the validity of a Website with a digital certificate, tracing the age of an artifact by carbon dating, or ensuring that a product is what its packaging and labeling claim to be. In other words, authentication often involves verifying the validity of at least one form of identification.