What Is One Thing You Can You Do Today That Will Change Your Life Forever?

What Is One Thing You Can You Do Today That Will Change Your Life Forever?

Your destiny is in your hands and as long as you are alive and walking on the face of the earth, you have the opportunity to do one thing that will change your life forever. Why not make it happen today?

There are 1000 reasons you can come up with to justify procrastinating your dream, but you only need 1 reason to carry it forward. It's true...overnight success rarely happens in just one day. It's a culmination of hard work and positive mental attitude that makes it happen over time. You do have the power to push it along, however, and many times it's taking that one extra small step that is the catalyst to finally reaping the rewards.

Your one thing starts by just showing up. If "Alex from Target" decided to call in sick on the day someone took a picture of him and tweeted it out, he'd still be Alex from Target. Look at all of the huge opportunities to he now has in front of him simply because he showed up at work that day.

Showing up is great but why not take it one step further and arrive with a radiant positive attitude? In today's society a positive attitude is an easy way to stand out in the crowd and that positive attitude will empower you to go where others will not.

Take it even one level higher and do something today that pushes you out of your comfort zone? You don't have to run a marathon or jump out of a plane at 15 thousand feet. Just go that extra mile and stretch yourself a little bit. If you are quiet and reserved, push yourself to say hi to a stranger. If you are an outgoing social butterfly take a few moments of solitude to reflect. Good things happen when you go outside of your normal routine and push yourself to do something you wouldn't normally do.

Another approach is to do something great that will change someone else's life forever. This isn't always as hard as you may think it is to do. You'd be surprised at the impact you can have by showing a stranger a great big smile. The simple act of taking the time to listen to and support someone who is going through a life struggle can empower them with the strength to overcome and make it through. How much better will your life be knowing that you did something that had such a great impact on someone else?

Think of all of the possibilities today has to offer. What is that one positive thing you can do right now that will change your life forever?


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