We Hate You, Now Do Business With Us
The best course of action as a frequent flyer is to remain loyal to one airline. With so many mergers America might only have one airline in the next twenty years. As long as that airline isn't Spirit. The carrier that charges for carry on luggage and everything except oxygen recently completed a State of the Hate survey. Cramped seats were the most hated part of the travel experience. Fees came in second.
I don't pay airline fees. Because I am beautiful? Well, that and I know how to bypass them. Pack light and carry on. Fees are a cash cow for airlines that keep them out of bankruptcy protection. I also do not change my flight once it is committed. I am not as fortunate when it comes to cramped seats. Just because you can lean does not mean you should; disregarding the paying customer behind you.
I am not posting the link to their story. It is bad enough that I watched this puppet show. The airline is run like a puppet show. They used puppets to describe their douchebaggery. Never thought I would have the chance to use that word in a professional forum. They prey on flyers who do not make plans. Charging to print a boarding pass- if a flight has a base fare of $149 and the fees make you pay four hundred dollars the flight costs four hundred dollars.
A telephone company once offered me free long distance with a six dollar monthly maintenance fee. That isn't free long distance. Spirit adopts a similar model: they would offer free beer and make you rent the glass.
My reasons for never flying Spirit are many. I fly United and that is usually a good experience. They are more interested in revenue generation since the merger with Continental and could use a CEO that cares about something besides treating loyal customers no better than procrastinators who pay full fare. United and more importantly The Star Alliance are efficient and I am more interested in what I can do in any given city than the behavior of the airline who tells me how I shall love the devaluing of their Frequent Flyer program.
The best reason to avoid Spirit is they do not fly locally. I am not going out of my way to BWI for the chance to be treated poorly. That is their business model. They treat people poorly, have too many delays (every airline has delays but it makes a bad situation worse) and every fee under the sun. They work very hard to turn me off and give no reason to earn my business. Word of mouth leads to no positive experience. At best: it's not that bad.
Yet they make money. They feel there is a market for cheapskates who are treated poorly. Always seek out items and experiences that are inexpensive. There is a large difference between inexpensive (bargain) and cheap (lowest price regardless of quality.) They can say that many people enjoy flying with them. Well, many people enjoy crystal meth and I would not want to spend time in their presence either.