Is your resume your best demonstration?

What is the biggest problem one faces while switching jobs?

  1. Finding an opportunity?
  2. Reaching out to the HR?
  3. Reaching out to the recruiter?

Naah. Not anymore.

These problems from the past no more exist due to the advancements in digital media and #SocialRecruiting. On the other hand, since everyone is so accessible, even the recruiters are having a tough time choosing the "right" candidate from the crowd. So, the problem that remains is how to create a resume that stands out in the clutter.

Well it's true that you cannot write things that you have not done in your resume, but at least you can make sure that your resume shows your best self.

Step 1: Know thyself.

The first step to a near perfect resume is to understand who you are. Take a blank sheet of paper and start writing anything and everything that you have done in your life. In this step you don't need to bother about whether what you are jotting down is notable or not. This is one of the most important part of the whole exercise, so do it diligently. The more points you can write, the better. This will serve as the master and the base for any version of your resume that you create going ahead.

Step 2: What's on offer?

Next is to understand what's being offered. Depending upon the sort of profile you are applying for, the focus points in the resume need to change and thus, the points that you choose out of master created through Step 1 will be different.

Step 3: Do I fit the bill?

After understanding the JD properly, one needs to understand that does (s)he suit the role (s)he is applying for. You need to very meticulously choose what all you want to put in your resume. For example, though your technical expertise might help a System Analyst profile you may apply for, but for a people management sort of a role you might want to showcase a Group Task/ Project that you did during your PG. You need to be very sure that the weight of the resume is high on the section which corresponds to the profile you are applying for. If you can't do this, you might want to reconsider applying for the role.

Step 4: Number of Pages???

Imagine a guy doing an elaborate act on "30 seconds to fame". I am pretty sure, even if he is really talented, he'll get booed down. The challenge is to perform a crisp demonstration of ones talents and showing the audience what they will love. It has to be intense, not elaborate.

Trust me, it is never a good choice to fill up too many pages in one's resume. You might have an urge of putting everything in your resume since you have done all of them, but do you really think that the recruiter will have enough time to go through each and every point? Obviously not. So make it really light, crisp and relatable for the recruiter.

Step 5: Get it reviewed.

Once you are satisfied and are pretty sure that you have created your masterpiece, get it reviewed. Since, it's your resume, your mind will automatically direct your eyes to focus on the zones of relevance. So, taking a third person perspective on the same is very important. Pick a friend, acquaintance or a professional connection in your field, preferably an experienced one, and seek his/her help.

Step 6: And close it with a cover letter.

It's always a better choice to enclose the resume with a cover letter. Firstly, it gives a personal touch to the more traditional resume and secondly, it shows your interest. Writing a cover letter is the extra mile you seem to have moved for the application. Try to make it as personal as possible. Along with the regular cover letter requirements, as asked by the recruiter, don't forget to cover the following points.

  1. Who are you?
  2. What you have done till now and the learning from your last stints?
  3. Why do you suit the company? (Culture and Role)
  4. Why does the company suit you, i.e. how does being a part of the organization help your long term goals?

Aaaaaand you are done!

This is a very generic outlook to creating a resume. For any specific queries, please comment.


