Great debates: How to put on the perfect elegant soirée

Great debates: How to put on the perfect elegant soirée

Talks & Discussions

Jackie Gillies is the youngest – and most free-spirited – star of The Real Housewives of Melbourne. She’s the founder of ready-to-serve cocktail brand La Máscara, is a professional psychic and married to Silverchair drummer Ben Gillies. Susie Wilson- Founder and Director Antoinette Champagne Finishing School. She’s an etiquette expert and has just opened her own luxury beauty salon. Both ladies share one thing in common: their reputation for hosting fabulous, unforgettable parties.

But who does it better? In a world where home entertaining is becoming a lost art, we invited Jackie and Susie to Campari House to find out whether old school and formal trumps creative and carefree.

What’s your party personality?

Susie: I want to bring back the yesteryear that’s become so lost. I want the manners and the etiquette and the service.

Jackie: I’m very much about having fun – loud music, dancing and sexy waiters walking around.


What beverages do you greet your guests with?

Jackie: Cocktails obviously, but shots, too! Not all the way through the night, just to get the party started.

Susie: Shots? No darling, not at my parties. What would I say to my friends? “Shots, now?”

Jackie: You say, “Bang, it’s on!”

Susie: Well, maybe I’ll introduce shots then! I have Champagne, Cognac, punch and cocktails.

The preparation

Whatever the size of the party, is there something you would never compromise on?

Jackie: I always make sure that nobody’s hungry. For Ben and I it’s about food, a lot of great alcohol, a lot of great people and live music.

Susie: If I’m hosting a party, whether it’s out or indoors, there’s always starched napkins. There’s an expectation because I’m an etiquette specialist and because I was brought up that way. If you’ve got a dinner party and things are just thrown on the table, what does one wear for that? A pair of – what?

How pre-planned are your parties?

Jackie: We always get party planners to do everything for us but we give them a theme. On Real Housewives, Ben and I had a Mexicanthemed party. We made sure the shots were waiting and the cocktails were flowing!

Susie: I have everything organised. I do rehearsals beforehand. I use a stopwatch and plan what time things arrive. I look at the staff from top to bottom: their shoes have to be polished. I have managers handpicked by me, who are accountable. Have you seen that movie The Devil Wears Prada? That is I. Nothing goes wrong, it’s just perfect.

Jackie: Rehearsals! I love that. I fi nd my parties are a bit more – well, our friends we hang with are rockers. They just walk in. I’ve never had a pre-rehearsal, but I might do that now. When you’re planning a sit-down dinner, where do you seat the guests?

Susie: Don’t seat couples together: separate them. It’s about pairing intellect with intellect, culture with culture. I would break the couples up so the guests can get to know each other.

Jackie: But as a host, you’ve got to be careful! Sometimes I’ve had people go, “I’m not sitting there” and I say, “you are sitting there!”

Susie: Yes, it’s a respect thing! They’ve got to respect that this is the way it is. But there is a right and wrong way of doing things.

Jackie: It is an art form. The people who haven’t lost it are the royals and other European princes.


Background ambience or life of the party?

Jackie: Rock music, of course! I’m also a big R’n’B fan, and I love Michael Jackson. We’ll get live music in as people are eating and drinking. It’s never too loud.

Susie: Not loud. At my parties, I’ve even got the volume down pat: it’s 15. And later when they’ve left the table it goes up to 20. Then it’s ‘woop woop’!

Rules of conduct

Imagine this scenario: you’re hosting a party, and in the corner of the room, two people start making out. What do you do?

Jackie: I shut it down. People don’t want to see you shining over there. I understand a little peck and a hug, but not pashing in the corner. Keep that for your bedroom or your car or wherever else!

Susie: I would just say “get a room”. It’s common.

Conservation topics

Is gossiping acceptable?

Jackie: You don’t come to my party and gossip – about me especially. You have to pull that person aside, because you don’t just let them rattle on to other people. It’s boring, anyway.

Susie: I would change the topic straightaway. I’m good at that. Then I put them on my list to never invite again. “Off you go” is my line.

Jackie: I say “Be gone with you!”

Are any topics off-limits?

Susie: One is politics, two is religion and three is sex.

Jackie: Religion and politics: very much so. Sex… you know what? It depends on the context. If there’s five of my girlfriends sitting around, then god bless, let’s talk about it. But not at a dinner party.

Susie: And money’s vulgar. I don’t even carry money. I have people carry it for me, that’s how vulgar it is! Let’s just forget money and status, let’s just get to know the person and enjoy the moment.


Are you allowed to tell people to leave?

Jackie: My husband is so good at it! He says, “Right, music off, time to go home. I need to go to bed, get out!”

Susie: If it’s a business event, it ends at 11pm. If it’s close friends, oh gosh, it doesn’t worry me in the slightest.

Jackie Gillies is the founder and ambassador for her new range of ready-to-serve cocktails, La Máscara Beverage Co.

Susie Wilson: Master the art of modern etiquette at Antoinette Champagne Finishing School. Get the Champagne experience at her new Antoinette Champagne Salon.

First published on 21 Aug 2014.



Ms Wilson is a motivational modern etiquette expert, sought out industry leader, accomplished speaker and owner of Antoinette Champagne Finishing School of Melbourne, a company specialising in executive leadership and etiquette.

"Society creates “norms” and it is human nature to want to meet those norms. Following my methods takes the concept further; standout, shine and flourish with that extra polish and sophistication."

With origins dating back to London’s Victorian Age, founder and director of Antoinette Champagne Finishing School, Susie Wilson, is the epitome of old modern day and deportment.

An expert in her field, Susie has presented countless seminars to corporate executives, business organisations, academia, private clubs, and individuals of all ages. She is dedicated to providing her clients with the most up-to-date etiquette and finishing training relevant to todays’ modern society.

With a corporate background spanning Australia, New Zealand and the USA, Susie is now an Australian leader in social and professional protocol and training expanding two and a half decades in etiquette coaching.

She started her first finishing and deportment school in New Zealand in early 1990’s, running courses for teens in model development, self-esteem, deportment and body image, Susie also ran New Zealand’s Miss World Pageant, and the Deportment and Etiquette coach for the Miss World Australia Pageant in Melbourne 2011.

Susie’s medical background has provided a window into human psychology and behaviour so she clearly understands why one acts in certain ways including the way they dress and the image they project.

She is passionate about educating both adults and children alike in improving and perfecting their social and professional etiquette and presentation skills so as to become articulate, confident and self-assured.

Ever relevant in today’s society, Susie provides invaluable training for school aged children in the areas of peer group pressure, cyber and schoolyard bullying. Additionally she is dedicated to ensuring that old fashion manners and social graces are not lost in today’s fast paced media savvy world. Developing social skills and self-esteem for children and teens is paramount.

Other services provided include professional up skilling by mastering job interviews and presentation, networking skills and business etiquette. For adults, every day social skills and manners for formal dining,correct table place settings and appropriate social etiquette are also available. And of course body language is a fascinating insight into human behaviour and something we can all learn from.


ANTOINETTE CHAMPAGNE FINISHING SCHOOL is Australia’s leading education provider in protocol and etiquette training services. The dynamic and modern curriculum aims to teach students essential etiquette skills for optimal performance and success in every day life and business.


The rules of conduct that govern social life and our associations with one another is forever evolving to adjust to the times. Good manners and refined social grace are indispensable important values for all people, from all walks of life.


In today’s global business environment there is a large expansion of multigenerational and culturally diverse workplaces. Individuals who know the rules of business etiquette and international protocol, and are able to handle social situations with poise and grace, are more likely to be successful in their endeavours. ANTOINETTE CHAMPAGNE FINISHING SCHOOL offers social and corporate etiquette programs that aim to equip attendees with valuable etiquette knowledge, and savvy business skills they will need to achieve their professional goals.


Good manners apply to everyone in the workplace, regardless of individual job function. The old rules of etiquette have changed. Business etiquette has become more lenient, but it is not lax. Technology is here to stay and we have to learn how to cope without being rude. Women are at every level of the corporate world. The guideline is protocol, not gender.


Children who possess good manners and polished social skills are more successful in their relationships with friends, parents and teachers. Treating with kindness, respect and consideration is an important value for children and teens to acquire. Character-building classes aim to build conscious awareness in children in their formative years, making courtesy an instinctive part of their personality.


Susie Barber, CEO- P.的更多文章

