What's in your communications pipe?

So what is your company using to get onto the internet and communicate with the world? Are you using the newest technology or best practices or are you using old and limited technology? Has anyone informed you of what's available?

Well here are the basics-

T1 (copper cable) - 1.544 megabits per second (24 DS0 lines)

Depending on what they are doing, a T1 line can generally handle a few people. For general browsing, a few users are able to share a T1 line. If they are downloading MP3 files, DWG files, VoIP or video files it will be a problem.

Pro’s - was known as reliable (the cable itself) and cheap to manufacture

Cons - Has many junctions and splits losing signal strength, susceptible to any ground disturbances like digging from local construction and water seeping into the little green box on the corner, limited to 1.5 mbps per strand/ cable, limited distance unless re-transmitted, at junction points where there is an above ground box- its susceptible to any above ground issues like cars and people disturbing the junctions.

Fiber Optic Cable – up to 1-10 + gbps depending on several factors

To understand how a fiber optic cable works, imagine an immensely long drinking straw or thin glass pipe. For example, imagine a pipe that's several miles long. Now imagine that the inside surface of the pipe has been coated with a perfect mirror. Now imagine that you are looking into one end of pipe. Several miles away at the other end, a friend turns on a flashlight and shines it into the pipe. Because the interior of the pipe is a perfect mirror, the flashlights light will reflect off of the sides of the pipe, even though the pipe may curve and twist, and you will see the light at the other end.

If your friend were to turn the flashlight on and off in a Morse code fashion, your friend could communicate with you through this pipe. That is the essence of the fiber cable.

Pro’s - Very fast transmitting, long distances (but still needs re-transmitting at some points) No/ minimal electromagnetic disruptions, can handle large amounts of signal depending on the equipment used.

Con’s - Ground cable still susceptible to ground digging and constructions, still has a cable path to follow (distance = time), fragile to handle and hard to repair if damaged, very specialized equipment to send and receive signals, very costly to “tap into” unless you’re sitting on the main pipe/ feed. Expensive to manufacture.

Microwave – 5mps up to 2 gbps – point to point line of sight

Microwave communication is the transmission of signals via radio using a series of microwave towers. Microwave communication is known as a form of "line of sight" communication. Digital microwave communication utilizes more advanced, more reliable technology. Because it has a higher bandwidth, it also allows you to transmit more data using more verbose protocols. The technology used for microwave communication was developed in the early 1940's by Western Union. The first microwave message was sent in 1945 from towers located in New York and Philadelphia. Microwaves are especially suitable for telecommunications since they are more easily focused into narrower beams allowing frequency reuse; their comparatively higher frequencies allow broad bandwidth and high data transmission rates.

Pro’s – Wide range of bandwidth available, very very low latency, 5 to over 2 gbps and in the Enterprise levels symmetrical – 10 upload and 10 download simultaneously, not limited by landscapes and in many cases distance is no issue, not effected by ground issues like cables, can be deployed in days not months, little to no cost to users for deployment and low equipment costs, low monthly MRC rates even in rural areas and mountain terrain, signal guarantee of 99.999% or better, bandwidth can be increased immediately without installing new equipment or running new cables- digitally turn it up, engineered to withstand most weather conditions. Its been noted that Microwave is faster than fiber!

Con’s – Line of sight only, tower and roof space dependent,

If your considering renewing your current T1 contract, have been presented with a fiber option, or its just time to look for a new solution. Consider your options carefully and take a closer look at Fixed Microwave ( point to point) from Skybeam. It may save you money, time, or may give you options you never knew you had!


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