The 4 Traits of Good Content

While content is everywhere, good content can sometimes be a little harder to spot. There's a reason some things "go viral" and spread like wildfire while others seemingly have all the pieces in place but just don't catch on. What's the difference? Let's explore what makes content so unbelievably incredible that it seems to take on a life of its own:

1. Good content is emotional. There are only a handful of human emotions (anger, sadness, happiness, surprise, fear and disgust), but tapping into them takes skill. Not all content requires its readers to go on a soul searching journey of human existence, but good content evokes some sort of feeling in the reader. This feeling is something they want to pass along to others to share in this experience, something uniquely human.

2. Good content is timely. In some cases, content spreads fast simply because people are ready to receive it. From telephones to websites to applications, there are plenty of stories of the first instance of an idea not being the one that takes off. Some even argue that timing is more important than the concept itself. Knowing this, being the first, even when it comes to content, can sometimes backfire. Instead, take the time to listen, monitor the response, gauge interest and take the time to craft content that audiences want to consume.

3. Good content is delivered in the medium best suited for it. Not all content is visual and not all visual content is good. What truly sets content apart its that its delivered in the format that makes the most of the content being presented. If the subject is something with an obvious visual component or interesting characters, video would capitalize on this. If it's a detailed story with many complex facets, a written account would allow for the most information to be presented.

4. Good content is published and distributed. If there's no audience for your content, it might as well not exist. Ideation through to creation and publication is 95% of the job, but the last 5% is the most crucial. Take inventory of your owned or prospective audiences and find ways to get your content in front of them
. Whether it's through email marketing, native advertising, public relations, social media, etc. distribution means consumption. Without it, you've only got stuff.

Good content serves us all by elevating the industry and bringing even more value to our readers. Gone are the days where we're churning out stuff for the benefit of nothing more than a search engine. Let's start creating the content people not only need, but want to consume, together.

Kim Higdon is the social media manager at Off Madison Ave, a full-service advertising agency in Phoenix, Arizona. She works with clients of all shapes and sizes to build audiences that brands can build upon.


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