Are you #hanging out on Google?
Rutu Motihar (CRME, CHDM)
Revenue Management | Distribution & eCommerce | Travel Technology |Effective Communcation | Team Management
Social media is getting viral. Have you had a live # hangout on air! Or what people love to say “Are you #commoogling?” It’s interesting see how Google Plus is evolving.
So here is why you should be looking at Google Plus for business a little more closely; if you haven’t already considered it as your top Social Media channel for Business.
Google Plus is Google!
So; in the space for paid ads, there are 2 big giants. One is Facebook (Paid Facebook Ads) and the other is Google Adwords. And while Facebook has a strong presence on Social Media, Google is making sure it is harnessing the power it has as a search engine to integrate its Google plus Platform. It is making Google Plus stronger with each passing day with things like Google Local, Google Business, Google Reviews, +1’s …all of which will show up or impact natural search results. So; if you access Google for search (and more than 80% of the internet population does); you have to be on Google Plus.
Google Adwords:
If you are promoting your ad on Google Adwords, it comes up with a Social Media Extension which ads more trust within the community and a link shows up leading to your Google Plus page.
When you are present on Google; it also comes up with Reviews. This also allows users to build more confidence as well as write reviews.
Get Email Addresses without asking for it!
When someone follows your Business page; you can add this person back to your circles. Once you add this person back to your circles; they get notified of all your content. You can even email them. Now this is all stored in Google because they are within you’re circles and they opted to follow you.
You can even place the Follow badge on your Website. Once you place this on your Website; people if they choose to follow you; you get access to all their email ID’s without even having to ask for it. In the marketing circles; this is huge because the visitor didn’t have to fill in any additional details.
You can segment audience. In forums like Facebook; you cannot segment your audience that easily. In Google Plus however, you can segment your audience, you can have separate conversations with your circles. You can have narrower groups, you can share hangouts, documents within this group. Alternatively you can have broader communities.
What is true is that, this even impacts how the search results for people following and within you get impacted.
And knowing how this is shaping up; it’s extremely critical for businesses to have a strategy around Google Plus!