Finding Mr. Right Test
When it comes to point of care tests, the #1 question we hear from clinicians is "What tests are available for point of care?"
If it's your first time researching test options at the point of care, it can be time consuming and frustrating.
Try searching online for any specific laboratory test or set of laboratory tests using a point of care device. What you will get is a long list of links that you must slog through to find a possible brand name or manufacturer. Then its becomes a matter of navigating the selected site to find specifications or a brochure on single device when there are probably several devices. While there are some sites that compare different devices, in order to those sites you have to know something about the brands. The sites and resources for clinicians are disjointed because each manufacturer has to be willing to share the data. You can use the government site to get brands, but you still have to then compile all the side by side information. There is an online lab test site but it does not provide direct links or comparison of point of care tests.
If you want to quickly find a test that you can run at the point of care, I suggest you take a look at my site was designed to quickly find out the following information:
1. Is the test or set of tests that you need on a point of care device platform?
2. Is the device CLIA-Waived?
3. If there is more than one brand, how do to they compare?
4. Is the device hand-held or table top?
5. Does the device use reagents that need refrigeration?
6. How large is the sample size for the test? Blood or urine?
This is a free site and does not require a password. If you do find a device you want, there is a place to insert your contact information so that you can get a quotation on a specific test option.
Try out. Let me know what you think.