Verily Fixing the Very Personal Computer
A philosophy of our times suggests that, one must attempt to live in the moment, since the past has gone forever and the future may never come. In the main this philosophy has value because far too many of us tend to spend far too much time fretting about what has happened and worrying about a tomorrow that may never come, losing valuable moments of our lives thus and bit by bit most of it. If you keep fiddling with you computer partitioning when would you have the time to play that nice computer game?
However, the philosophy must not be carried to the extreme because time has to be set aside to make future plans and the past never really goes. Every thing we experience with any emotional value attached to it becomes our personal memory and remains stored up in the caches of our mind, like those old files on your computer that will remain there forever unless a clean up exercise was carried out. Even the files that you thought were deleted never really go away from your computer. Merely a conscious reference to it is removed. They remain in the free spaces of your drive and in the recesses of the subconscious. Only a clever operator or a special operation can remove them. No doubt you can have a software installed that works in the background to remove some crap while your computer is on or the conscious mind switched off during sleep but these background software and dreams merely do much organization and partitioning and do not really delete much that matters.
If we live a rushed life, if we keep working on our computer all the time, new files are created at a fast rate so that the background software has little time to deal with the old stuff as it tries to deal with what has just come in. It is because of this one has to take time off for a time consuming free space wipe operation on the computer or a withdrawal from society, even to the Himalayas to reach the recesses of the cache.
One can reorganize ones computer so that much of the working goes on in the cloud so that some of the partitioning and cleaning can be carried out even when your device is switched off. One can organize one’s consciousness so that it remains connected with the Universal consciousness by a focus away from the limited ego, a small desk top, so that the burden of personal memory does not become overwhelming, but this is something only the most experienced of operators or most evolved of yogis can do.
Setting time off to look into your computer caches and the recesses of the mind reveals that so much junk remains stored in there that one is reminded of Saint Kabir who recorded his wisdom in Hindi couplets, little Java bytes, one of them being,
Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala Bura Na milaya koy
Apana dil jo Khojya, mujhse bura na koi
Which could be translated as, when I went around fixing other computers, I did not really find one that was really bad, but when I looked at my own carefully, none could be worse. As I look back at my own life, and draw satisfaction and strength from any goodness of the past, I am horrified at the evil I have done, where my actions have contributed to pain, stress and trauma in the lives of others even those close to me albeit at that time one did not realize. Sure enough other computers in town are messed up too, but how foolish it would be to go around trying to fix them when ones own computer was in such a mess. If one continued to neglect it, one day it would crash, the soul would enter the bottomless pit so that without having one’s own computer one would lose the ability to fix any other computer too. One will just not be able to get to the email inbox.
As one looks inwards and finds all the muck there, one is able to delete some of it, yet afraid to delete those files and entries that one feels may be critical for normal operations. As one looks inwards some of the evil past is obliterated through repentance but much remains. One is concerned that one would have to suffer the consequence at some future time, the karma shall remain.
One could consult a specialist to help fix things, find a spiritual/religious Guru (the spiritual ones are the free lancers and the religious ones belong to a company) who has a deep understanding of what is what, but there are so many frauds and greedy pigs around and before they are done they could mess your machine or rip the shirt off your back. Why not just try the manuals and google search the help pages, why not just commune with nature in peace and solitude and the answer shall be found surely one day.
Every human needs to consider the question posed in the art work with this post - Are we focusing on the mind-body complex far too much and forgetting to connect with Infinity or the cloud?