True Grit
Phil Johnson, MBL
MBL Inc. Founder, CEO & BoD ?? Master of Business Leadership & Emotional Intelligence Program | Executive Coach & Speaker | ?? MBL Alumni Videos (Below) | Author, THE SERVANT WARRIOR LEADER
True Grit
Emotion is the driving force that creates better results.
The emotional connection you make with your desired results is the key to achieving those results. This visualization of your “why” requires emotional labor. The “what” and “how” of your desired results requires intellectual labor and with be much easier once you have made the emotional connection with you why. With the right emotion you can achieve any result.
Having more knowledge does not mean you will get better results. You must change your behaviour. It is your emotions, not your thinkingthat is the primary driver of your behaviour. When you go into “flight, flight or freeze” mode thinking goes out the window. Your underlying emotions are what drive your actions. Staying connected to your clear, passionate vision of the better results you want to achieve drives your actions.
What fears do you have around achieving your Vision? What feelings are holding you back from taking action? How are you rationalizing your inaction? What “rational lies” are you telling yourself to keep yourself safe; stuck with your current results? Your negative emotions are what cause you to become complacent. They are what stop you from moving forward. With the right emotion you can achieve any result.
Warm regards, Phil