Why There Is No Such Thing As A "Deadbeat Dad"
Let me begin with a little clarification before I go further because I can see that "YEAH RIGHT" face you have right now.
To understand my statement you must know how I define the Dad.
Even before that allow my to define the word Father.
Father: One who creates offspring by the act of inseminating a female with sperm.
You would agree right?
Now to define the word Dad.
Dad: One who nurtures, protects, and provides for children whether he Fathered them or not.
My definition of a Dad often isn't portrayed in the mainstream media. Dad's are often mistaken for Father's, and are lumped in with men who decide to not accept the God given role of raising up children.
I have a personal tie to this topic because of my own Dad...
All of my life I have known one man and one man only as Dad. I've always known that he wasn't the one who "Fathered" me. Yet when I have needed him he has always been there.
When my mother needed help with discipline for me as a child, my Dad was who she would call.
And when my mother passed away, he was the one I leaned on in my most vulnerable state.
I challenge all of the people that read this post to celebrate a great Dad, versus degrading a Deadbeat Father.
I know that this may be tough because of your own past hurts due to your Father's lack of responsibility, or even his absence.
However there are many, many, many men whom have accepted their role as Dad. Both biological and non-biological at that.
You'll accept this challenge won't you?
If so visit my FB page here and post your salutes to a deserving Dad.
And remember if you are tempted to use the term "Deadbeat Dad". Remember this post and the definition that I gave.
God Bless
Rodney Kellum
The Fatherpreneur