Time is dead!
Time is dead! I killed it a while ago, it happened first when I stopped wearing a watch and then got rid of my smart phone, so then he asked me, Time through others, through friends, “why don’t you wish to see me anymore, what did I do wrong? I am so good to everybody. I help people knowing when to get up for school and for work, when there is a birthday and when you have to pick up your sweetheart for a movie.”
I replied to him, to Time, “Look how nervous people are all over because of you, every minute watching their watch and smart phone as if waiting, for what? As if late, to where? Missing a text message, what?”
I killed him, murdered him in cold blood. I have no need for his advice anymore. Drops of seconds drilling from between the murderer’s fingers, the only memory of them left in strong heart beats. I decided, forever young. Forever young, as on the sea there is no time, the hours pass by, the days and the holidays in between, and I forgot them all. Then I yelled toward his evaporated soul, kicking his dead body, “And regarding my sweetheart, I’ll meet her after the rain.”
With playful regards,