Humans are designed to multitask

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The term multitasking has been under discussion since decades, no matter how much people criticize and convince that we are making our lives miserable in case we do multitasking actually does not support the capabilities of a Human. Our Creator the Almighty has created us with complex systems each one of them connected and controlled by the main processing unit brain. The creator Almighty has blessed us with capabilities which sometimes at this point in time does not have any explanation yet and each time as we go deeper and deeper it surprises us.

If we take a closer look to our species we will find that every single second we are multitasking without knowing it. Our brains do the controlling of different complex systems operating within us like:

  1. Skeletal system;
  2. Muscular system;
  3. Nervous system;
  4. Respiratory system;
  5. Cardiovascular system;
  6. Digestive system;
  7. Excretory system;
  8. Urinary system;
  9. Endocrine system;
  10. Immune system;
  11. Integumentary system and;
  12. Reproductive system.

The above stated systems in our body runs efficiently and effectively supporting our vital signs since the day we were born. It is quite clear and evident that biologically, that is by design we Humans are multitasking since birth. What we humans need to understand and believe is that the Almighty has blessed us with the capabilities of multitasking. It is just that we Humans have not learnt to make the best use of our capabilities. One such capability is of our subconscious mind.

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Our subconscious mind is capable of doing so much which has been revealed time-to-time by the different scholars. To tune our brains to be in a multitasking mode requires certain prescribed mind jogging exercises, some of these are meditation and hypnosis.

Take a simple example of driving, it is hard to learn how to drive, when we are just beginners we drive consciously with great care but by the passage of time when we are used to it we hardly remember the shifting of gears and all is performed subconsciously by our brain. When we are used to driving even while driving our attention is not diverted and we do multitasking like imagining, visualizing, recalling, talking and/or listening to music.

When things become routine our brain performs the job in the background letting us multitask with conscious and subconscious mind side by side.

Multitasking is difficult but with making more things part of our routine enables us to be in the multitasking mode. I hope that with more series of research on the subject and also with the advancement of technology more tasks will be easily part of our routines and also with the introduction of gadgets and/or software we will be able to explore our hidden potential to multitask which the Creator Almighty has made us by design.

Human is an unexplored machine created by Almighty and we do not have its operating manual yet. Explore yourself as each one of us is unique masterpiece of the Creator.


Asif Pervez is the founder and life coach at QuBpro Research Institute. Asif is a Futurist, a Business Process and Supply Chain Management technocrat with strategic vision powered with 15+ years of accomplishment at driving savings, optimizing and improving process, operations, planning and instituting innovative solutions while focusing on quality and service. The experience, knowledge and trainings have equipped Asif with latest tools and techniques to have macroscopic as well as microscopic view of problems and to run high end process improvement programs and conduct successful information systems implementations.

The views expressed in this blog are based on the author's experience and do not reflect his current or past employers.


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