Combatting the insider threat: Detection, management and mitigation strategies

Trust is essential to conducting business. We need to be able to trust our employees to do the right thing and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. However, the insider threat whether malicious or based on negligence has real consequences to our organizations.

There is no one solution to dealing with this issue. It requires a multifaceted approach that includes technical and non-technical controls. We must look for ways to reduce the opportunity for insider threat, increase our ability to detect this potential activity, and build a more aware culture that allows for reporting of these concerns.

As a speaker at the Infosecurity Magazine Winter Virtual conference on October 7 and 8, I and a panel of esteemed colleagues will discuss strategies to address the insider threat. I do hope you can join us for what promises to be an interesting session.

For more information or to join the session:

Twitter: #IMVC14, @dcass001


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