Inspirational Leadership
Khaled Elmasri
Sr. Regional Fitness Manager at Excel Fitness| Podcast Host: RISE UP: The Show | Speaker
Leadership is really about growing and developing other people. How does a leader best do this; through inspiration. How does a leader inspire the team? The ability to be inspirational is a key leadership competency that can be learned and practiced. .
There are 3 keys that a leader must master that define inspirational leadership: (1) having a VISION, (2) taking ACTION, and (3) reinforcing SUCCESSFUL BEHAVIORS.
Step 1- VISION: is to paint a positive picture of what exactly the end goal is. Start with the end in mind. We must paint a picture to our team not only of a positive outcome, but a vision greater then themselves. Everyone has sight, few have a vision. The goal must be positive – rather than negative, or what we should avoid doing. Consistently practicing using positive language rather than negativity is essential to leadership.
Step 2- ACTION: We first must have a PLAN. . We then must take ACTION. A plan without action is an illusion. How are we going to get there? Your entire plan does not have to be completed, but you must commit to step 1 and step 2, both of these must make sense to the Team. Ideally to be able to identify quick wins from the Team itself, will build momentum as critical "first" steps.
Step 3- Reinforce Successful Behaviors: Specifically, the Behaviors and Actions that you want to extend. The attainment of the end result is important, but if that is all we do, we miss the opportunity to reinforce the behaviors and actions that made the team successful. By doing to so, the team becomes more consciously competent at what they are doing right, and will be motivated to continue to employ those behaviors in the future.
Organizations function best when the team feels that they are engaged in useful causes, not just performing menial tasks. . People want to know where they are going and why they should bother going there – what is in it for them? A poor Leader will state the targets and the objectives – figures this week, figure this month. As a leader, your people want to perform for you. Your job is to coach them to a winning performance by practicing the 3 Keys to Inspirational Leadership.
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