Hospitality - Don't mess up... When approaching a table...
I normally discuss with my team members this technique, when approaching a table in a Restaurant, I usually won't just walk up to a table and say:'excuse me'.
I will move a little closer to the table and catch the eye of a guest who is not talking. That guest in turn can get the attention of the person speaking and quiet them.
Guests will often pick up subtle cues that you want to speak to them or to discribe a dish, the best strategy is to wait a few extra seconds to let a guest finish his story rather than step on his or her punch line.
Gracefully disengaging from a table can be just as difficult, specially from tables where have reapeted guests or those who want to know everything about the Restaurant, the Chef or any other curiosity.
A simple explanation usually carries the day:' I have to help out at another table, I will be back shortly...'.
Remember don't play favoritism...