It is amazing to me that anyone would be offended by a label such as redskins. First of all isn't it an honor to have a professional team named after your people. These are the native Americans we are talking about. You could say that they are the only true Americans because they were here before any of the rest of us. Personally I think to some degree they were the ones who are most mistreated in that they use to own all of America and it was taken away from them. I don't see how having a team named after your people is demeaning in any way. Now listen, my name is Boudreaux and everyone knows that is french, but more than that because the eaux means it is cajun french and not just french. There is no record of a Boudreaux family in France. That is where my family originated but the spelling of the name was changed when they migrated to Canada. Most people know that the Cajun people are often referred to as "Koon-Ass". I have been called a koon-ass all my life and some how I find myself proud of my heritage and not offended by this at all. So would you prefer to be called redskin or koon-ass? Now, I am not at all shocked that no professional team is called koon-ass but I would certainly not be angry if they were. I think this "PC" frame of mind is out of hand. I believe some people just need to have a little thicker skin and stop taking everything personal.