It's About Time!

The great French philosopher Voltaire once asked his followers this question, "What of all things, is the longest and the shortest, the slowest and the fastest, with it all is possible, and without it nothing?"

The answer to Voltaire's question is Time.

Imagine if you will, imagine that you have a Great Benefactor that has opened a bank account for you and deposits $1440 in that account every day of your life.

You can't be iMAgining {sic} it, because if you were you would be smiling. :)

There were only a few conditions attached to the account.

  • Only you could draw the money out.
  • You couldn't carry the balance forward. Whatever was in the account at the end of the day would be deleted.
  • There was no overdraft facility. You couldn't go to your banker and say, " Give me $1880 today and I'll only take $1000 tomorrow."

I have a feeling, a suspicion, that you would find some way to get down to the bank and draw that money out every day of your life.

And so would I!

I have exciting news for you, at least I hope it's exciting news, it's exciting news to me. Each of us has such an account, and our Great Benefactor deposits 1440 minutes in your account every day of your life.

The same rules apply. Only you can draw it out, decide how it is used, and it cannot be carried forward. At the end of every day it is gone forever.

How do you decide where to put this Precious Priceless Stuff we call Time?

In business where we put our time should be dependent upon the answer to one question, and one question only.

Am I spending my time doing a lot with what I do best?

Your Most Valuable Discovery

Recognise that you have natural talents and areas of brilliance.

Your success and prosperity and future is dependent upon identifying what your talents are, and then spending your time applying them to the best of your ability.

For many people the discovery process can take years,and some never truly identify what their talents are and consequently their lives are less fulfilling. They spend most of their time in jobs or businesses not suited to their strengths and tend to struggle.

Your biggest rewards in life will come when you spend the vast majority of your time focusing on the things that you are naturally good at.

These are things that you do effortlessly without a lot of study or preparation. Things that the majority of the world population find difficult, often marvelling at your ability and not being able to come close to matching it.

When you you spend your time nurturing the things you do best, you create what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced " Me-hi Chicksent--me-hiee") calls Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.

Flow is identical to the feeling of being in the zone. It is the optimal state of being totally immersed in doing an activity that you love.

It is the pathway to greater meaning and happiness that will give you energy, keep you excited and empower you to produce extraordinary results.

Everything is easier when you are in "Flow". It is the mental state of operation where you are the the most Positive, Energised and Aligned to the task at hand." Where you reach your Peak Performance and time seems to stand still.

Your Mind is the Connecting Link to Flow

You are an irrestible magnet with the power to attract whatever you wish.

You attract whatever you radiate. You attract whatever you mentally choose and accept.

Begin choosing and mentally accepting the highest and best in life!

The following affirmations are directed at helping you get in the right mental attitude to induce your "Flow"

Time to Create "Flow"

iMA can give you the key to unlocking your personal power and teach you the things you need to know to create "Flow."

Double and Triple your productivity and effectiveness by discovering how you can create flow in your personal and professional life.

For a limited time only I am offering as a Special Gift to you a 45 minute live on line presentation "It's Time to Create Flow!"

For more information simply click on the appropriate link below.

How to Create Flow for High Reds

To reserve your place. Click here

How to Create High Yellow "Flow"

To reserve your place. Click here.

How to Create High Green "Flow"

To reserve your place. Click here.

How to Create High Blue "Flow"

To reserve your place. Click here.

If you don't know what colour you are you can find out by clicking here!


Whatever it is you want, an Accredited iMA Practitioner can help you achieve it.

Wishing you the very best of everything.

James Knight,
iMA Creator and Master Practitioner

Being able to understand where I am at my most effective has made life so much easier. When I am "in flow" then I can be my best.

Jayne Albiston

Consultant, Learning & Professional Development, Stakeholder Engagement, Strategy & Partnerships

10 年

Awesome James. iMA strategies open the doors to a whole new richer life in so many ways. So simple yet reach so deep. :)


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