What is right and rightfully theirs

The vote yesterday extended much further than Scotland’s boundaries, or their decision to remain part of the United Kingdom. It demonstrated to the world how important and extraordinary democracy is. Over 80% of eligible voters cast their decision.

For countries like Canada where voter turnout suggest we take our democracy for granted; this is a lesson on how to treasure what our previous generations fought for. That we need to be fully engaged in policy and platforms, and not simply the charisma or social viralocity of our leaders; and more importantly that when asked we need to cast our vote - with our head, heart and hands.

For countries that live without a vote or at best a pseudo vote – they had an opportunity to see true democracy happen yesterda– a decision for the people and by the people. I can only hope that this fuels their appetite to take back what is right and rightfully theirs – to become a democracy.

Jim the Tea Party wants a return to small gov't, state self rule, lower taxes smaller gov't as a whole. It is a growing minority. I am not a member, However, many of my friends are. If you pay close attention you will see that it is the two ruling parties in America that have become unyielding power hungry obstructionists. But that is largely the fault of the American people, most of whom don't vote and the rest express displeasure with congress and the senate yet continue to vote for the same dolts again and again.

Jim Centric

US Army, Retired

10 年

Michael - When you complain about a vocal, unyielding obstructionist minority are you sure you're talking about Scotland and not America's Tea Party?

Bilingual Lawyers

China Attorneys, www.bilawyers.com

10 年

I won't like Scotland to be separated from the UK, but I like the democracy that Scottish is entitled to choose.

Mohamed Miah

Senior Major & Complex Loss Adjuster, Sedgwick, Qatar

10 年

Han B, to compare Scotland to British-rule India is quite frankly absolutely ridiculous on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin! I am relieved Scotland is still a part of the UK both for the sake of Scotland itself and secondly for the UK. The referendum outcome should be held as a sucess for the Yes campaign as ultimately they will have achieved their goal of obtaining greater power and decision making. Instead, there appears to be unhealthy bitterness. It is not like the English have invaded the land, taken prisoners and hostages and destroying all the Scottish landmarks and heritage. Stop causing divisions and come together!



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