Warehouse safety starts with safe equipment
Have you ever stopped a moment to observe the condition of your warehousing equipment? have you ever observed the working order of your handling equipment? For many of you, preventive maintenance programs allow you to answer by the affirmative the second question. However, the condition’s evaluation of equipment such as shelves is often forgotten. At such a point, that such equipment is really dangerous for your employees.
When we specifically observe some equipment, it is sometimes surprising that no accidents have occurred yet! Certain uprights which are 20 feet high, are so twisted at the bottom that it can’t support anything. This is the series of shelves all fixed together that support everything. Many shelves are also twisted and sometimes broken. Obviously, the heavy burden stocked on those shelves is the explanation of this damage.
The deteriorating condition of warehousing equipment can be easily explained. In fact, we can gather together the origins under different categories such as: oversight during handling equipment utilization, lack of protection in some warehousing sections, or shelves being weighed down by heavy burden. Nevertheless, all those reasons are easy to identify and consequently, easy to resolve.
Handling equipment utilization should be reserved only to qualified and experienced employees as well as the operations in the warehousing area that should be done especially by qualified operator. The user should be conscious that the good condition of equipment is synonymous with health and safety at work. Moving carefully and slower with the lift-truck and the order’s selectors can also minimize the risk of an accident that could damage the racking and the shelves. However, the most important factor that will minimize all risks is obviously handling equipment that is maintained in perfect working order. For example, wheels in poor condition, or faulty hydraulic systems are evident risks for users and all other equipment around. Having and respecting a good preventive maintenance program as well as an appropriate training program for employees are the keys to steer clear of accidents.
Moreover, protection systems at the beginning of an aisle can reduce collision risk. Protection equipment such as bollard, guard-rails and bumper-guards are frequently used to protect the equipment aisle. Used in a well defined warehouse lay-out environment, (sufficient width and height aisle), such protection equipment minimizes the risk of damage to the shelves.
Working with damaged equipment not only represents a danger for employees but also has an impact on effectiveness and productivity. Non usable places due to damaged products reduce the warehousing capacity and directly affect productivity.
The best tool is still employee knowledge and consciousness. Paired with a maintenance program for all the equipment including warehousing equipment, this is the best way to reduce losses related to accidents and drop in production. Working in an environment where best conditions prevail increases the efficiency of all damaged minimizing programs. Being vigilant on equipment conditions gives you the possibility to take all precautionary measures rapidly avoiding a worst situation.