Xenophobia on the Balkan

Xenophobia on the Balkan

Many phenomenon in political and social life in Balkan warn that even fifteen years after the last war xenophobia is present among the huge majority of citizens. Apart the economic poverty and depression, prejudices, misconceptions, and stereotypes about the others and us are wittingly regenerating. It multiplies fear and hatred and in practice, results with massive violence. Have new authorities and citizens of Western Balkans acquired any experiences from the past war dramas? Can we talk about positive changes, when we speak about xenophobia and hatred? Unfortunately, this questions can be answered and have to be mostly answered in a negative way.

The absence of pointing this problem in public media, stigmatizing those who think different, people of different sexual orientation...are just some indicators of still present nationalism, chauvinism, xenophobia and hatred.

The conspiracy thesis against Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Albanians and other nations is still indirectly or directly exculpated. The glorification of those nations and their history appears through the usual stereotypes. Some representatives of the new, current authorities still claim that "xxx" are only the defenders of its own existence, of its own spirituality, culture and democratic conviction. "They were and a protective barrier against invasion and destruction of other people". If this was the truth (which is not the case), the question remains - why after all that happened, suffering of other people during the previous wars is not mentioned, neither the responsibility of "xxx" nationalists, chauvinists and xenophobes for suffering and for suffering of one's own people during the wars in the nineties.

A certain prominent intellectuals, as well as politicians directly incite xenophobia and hatred using the language of war and hatred, unsuitable for philosophical/theological discussion. It is still spoken about "insidious neighbors", "neighbors, murderers and slaughterers", who "behold for ages at "xxx". And "xxx" are the subjects of hate of the others because of the power of their love, strength of their faith, depth of their belief, because they are bearers of good and the truth. Renewing the myth of the saint malefactor these xenophobes have abandoned the basic principles of the Christian / Islamic ethics.

Renewing and maintaining of the xenophobia has been simplified by the domination of collectivistic and authoritarian valuation orientation. The neighbors and the national minorities are thought to be dangerous factor concerning the integrity of "xxx". Ethnic distance is still very large. It is incontrovertibly that the lack of education of the citizens of Western Balkan influences the spreading of the xenophobia.

The role of the great state ideology in the initiating of xenophobia should not be diminished. On the contrary, by their mythomaniac, anachrone aims and the incompatible methods of their realizing, (the final solution of "xxx" national issue) "xxx" government had been infatuating the people, raised the tension and distracted the attention from the basic life problems of people.

Social situation in the country unrealistically showed as "good" and for the current situation accused the others and had constantly been spreading the prejudice, fallacies and stereotypes both about themselves and the others. Unfortunately, similar mechanisms of the manipulation have been applied by the actual governments.

To everything, mentioned earlier, must add some anthropological qualities of the people, which could influence the valuation determination of the citizens. Here I think about the predisposition for suffering, melancholy, as well as great emotionalism, and the need for the group identification and expressed mentality of the subjects. These predispositions imply search for the lamb to the slaughter for own weaknesses and adversities.

Therefore, not only every stranger is suspicious but every one within the ethnic group who dares to think and speak differently from the present stereotypes. The pressure of the tradition on the more modern forms of behavior has been and remained powerful.

All this leads to conclusion that the great majority of people in Western Balkan today still don't have cultural, educational, psychological, economical and other important preconditions to transform itself from mare slave to self conscious citizen. At the same time, it means that the process of transformation of Balkan countries to a democratic, legal, developed and modern European countries will be very slow and very long.

It is certainly not an easy question to answer: how to fight against xenophobia as an extreme form of repulsing of other and different in circumstances like these? Yet, it is necessary to act, even in hardest circumstances. By all possible means of democratic and civil struggle we have to promote a process of denazification and a special sort of decollectivisation.

Life with the other people who are different from us gives us chance to overcome the false stereotypes and prejudice, both about ourselves and about the other people. Life with the different enables better understanding of our own selves.

Bojan Stepanov

medical doctor at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

7 年

"This really is not an easy question to answer: how to fight against xenophobia as an extreme form of repulsing of other and different in circumstances like these?" That's true but while retribution is a frequent response to such repulsive xenophobes activity, we recognize that resentment corrodes its container, and because hate in response to hate creates more hate, answer is to affirm restorative justice as method of collective and corrective engagement. The restorative justice model, as the name itself indicates, is designed to “restore” that which is broken in our community. In other words, instead of retribution through retaliation, to respond through restoration is to recognize that such immoral acts are grounded in something far deeper than a broken law or social norm, thus justice is not merely “paying the perpetrator back”, but it is more about “paying the community forward”, for as Cornel West stated, “justice is what love looks like in public”. And so, when the identity of the alleged perpetrator is eventually discovered, we are called to prevent revenge and promote reconciliation, for responding to xenophobes hate with hate for the xenophobes will only push us backwards.

sonja zivkov

Licensed Clinical Psychologist at Psychological Counseling Center - Marta

7 年

"Life with the other people who are different from us gives us chance to overcome the false stereotypes and prejudice, both about ourselves and about the other people. Life with the different enables better understanding of our own selves.." This is the essence. Great article, indeed.

Uros Mihov

Owner at Law Firm MIHOV

8 年

No one chooses to be born in a certain way, people who look down on people who have a different race, gender or sexual orientation are unable to see that what you are is not your choice. Nationality can’t be changed, sexual orientation can’t be changed, but acceptance of those who are different, that can be changed. Whether you are Christian Catholic or Christian Orthodox or Muslims, Jewish (examples out of many) you may be proud of your background but that does not mean you may try and destroy each other's pride. People are free to believe in whatever they want. If you want to believe in something - that's fine, if you do not want to believe in anything - that's fine, too. Things should be viewed from all sides. @Radovan Mili?evi?, you are able to realistically, truthfully, exactly describe the situation on the Balkans countries. Excellent article indeed!

petar mijovic

Senior Associate, Master of Laws (LLM)

8 年

Excellent analytical description of the earlier & current situation in Balkan.

Mladen Bogicevic (Младен Боги?еви?)

Communication. Marketing. Sales. Projects.

8 年

"Ksenofobija" prema onima sa kojima smo delili i delimo dr?ave, gradove, ulice, spratove? Tvorci pojma verovatno nisu imali na umu da se re? koristi me?u ?kotima, Englezima i Vel?anima, ?vabama, Bavarcima i Saksoncima, ili me?u tri ?vajcarska "entiteta". Vidla ?aba da se konj potkiva..



