5 Ways An Online Business Is Better Than A Physical One

My family and I have recently gone through a disaster which has resulted in us being technically homeless. Meaning we don't have an adress in our name, a lease, or a mortgage.

Now don't go getting all sappy on me. This is not a sympathy post. This post is to highlight why having an online business is better that a physical one.

So I might as well start with the most powerful reason since I am living the proof right now.


All you need is the internet and a device to connect with

As long as you have access to the internet, and an internet capable device you can keep your business running in the case of disaster.

- Right now my family and I are living in a hotel. Yet and still because I have a laptop and the internet, I can continue to market, capture leads, and convert leads into sales even while dealing with the reality of putting our traditional life back together.

- This would be close to impossible if I had a disaster with a traditional brick and mortar business. And in my case a fire takes time to recover from as far as rebuilding or finding a new location.


A Lot Less Overhead

I wrote a blog to highlight the average cost of owning a McDonalds franchise. Check it out here

In that post I highlight the fact that the average start up price for a McDonald's franchise is $750,000

Most of this cost covers the physical needs. Like the real estate costs (renting from Mcdonalds), hiring workers, franchise fees, etc.

For most people coughing up a measley $750,000 isn't that easy.

So wouldn't you say that starting a business for under $10,000seems like a pretty good deal considering that both can generate a six (6) figure income?


Virtually No Window Shoppers

If you have ever worked in the retail world, or in sales you will inevatably hear these three dreaded words.




I'm just looking has become the standard response to sales people all over the world.

It's as if consumers have been trained to say just looking even when they are ready to "JUST BUY".

Now imagine all of that hassle removed from your daily life...

Go ahead and imagine...

Life would be a lot more stress free without people wasting your time with generic responses wouldn't it?

You can see how only dealing with people that are truly intersted in what you have to offer can dramatically increase productivity can't you?


Unlimited Reach

The internet truly is amazing.

We now have the ability to reach our target market on a global scale versus location specific targeting that a traditional business limits us to.

Let's use our imaginations again, are you ready...

(Imagine a cartoon bubble popping up over your head)

It sure is nice getting sales from people and locations that I have never been to isn't it?

I'm so glad I listened to that Fatherprneur guy and took my business online. (Hint hint)

It sure is nice generating sales while not physically at work isn't it?


Anyone Can Do It

Yes it is true that anyone with the ability to...

1) Read

2) Type

3) Use a computer (Yes there are people that can type but not use a computer)

Can create and successully run a business online.

I actually started my online business with a free digital camera and a free laptop.

Did I just hear you gasp???

I know that news shocked you, but know that it is true.


You Don't Have To deal With People Everyday

If you happen to be the personality type that doesn't like to deal with people everyday then an online business is definitely for you.

Imagine having the ability to create, promote, and sell your goods and services all without having to deal with people.

This is a dream come true for an introvert isn't it?


I hope that this post educated you on the benefits of taking or creating an online business, versus the setbacks that may come with a physical business.

My online business allowed me to create profits part time while allowing me to be more present and involved with my children.

If you would like to learn the techniques I have used to change and save my life (literally), go HERE and enter your best email because the information will be sent there.

God Bless

Rodney Kellum

The Fatherpreneur

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