The secret of change
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new,” - Socrates
In traditional therapy, we learn that self regualtion is the ability to say no to bad choices. In the Tatori method, we learn that self-control is the ability to say ‘YES’ to our own goals and dreams. And when we focus on our goals and dreams more than our problems that other negative and addictive challenges become manageable or eliminate themselves.
Teaching the simple powerful of daily mindfulness practices to people coming from challenges of learning disabilities, ADHD, ODD, low executive functioning, addictive behaviors and other challenges is powerful at times and a real challenge. On one side, for those who can learn these powerful habits bring peace, focus and success into their lives. On the other hand, mindfulness takes a degree of self discipline and self-regulation that is a real challenge for some. However, even for those who struggle with traditional forms of mindfulness, we are also using other effective methods that include binaural audio that uses alpha and theta frequencies mixed with video and accomplishing the desired results. We will be posting more about this in our blogs found at!blog/czt7 or
Mindfulness is directly related to self-regulation and thus, the ability to choose a response to one’s circumstances based on what is most important to you. Mindful people are less likely to experience depression, anxiety, negative emotions, and are able to stay focused on their goals. Through this higher focus on their goals, they feel greater self-efficacy, higher executive functioning, resilience, and authentic happiness. While pharmaceutical medications are helpful for some, the hit and miss results are expensive and frustrating. "For those who can be taught the self discipline of a diet that fits their bodies needs, fitness through activity along with 3 to 20 minutes of mindfulness practice per day, the results are not only empowering, but sustainable over time. With this approach, the medications are typically not needed at all,” says Life Coach, Randy Oakley.
When it comes to professional sports, dance, music, and many areas of one’s life, we readily accept that simple visualization and mindfulness skills are powerful and should be a part of every one’s road to success. But when it comes to using these same mindfulness practices in the world of overcoming mental and behavioral health many still feel like they are going down some "voodoo" road of being brain washed. Research shows that mindfulness underlies every measure of success.
A 2007 study showed that even a short period of mindfulness training could have a powerful impact on self-regulation skills. Work with various students enrolled in Pacia Life ( also show that using simple mindfulness practices with young adults that include iso-morphic activities based on self-efficacy and self-determination theories are helping young adults that have been in years of out-patient and residential therapy have sustainable break throughs in areas of their life that nothing else has worked.
Roche, M., Haar, J. M., & Luthans, F. (2014). The Role of Mindfulness and Psychological Capital on the Well-Being of Leaders. Journal of occupational health psychology.
Tang, Y. Y., Ma, Y., Wang, J., Fan, Y., Feng, S., Lu, Q., ... & Posner, M. I. (2007). Short-term meditation training improves attention and self-regulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(43), 17152-17156.
Entrepreneur/Therapist/Coach, Inspiring minds (Young and Old) to Strive & Thrive
10 年Great information Randy, I'm completely with you in focusing on where you are trying to go rather than where you don't want to be. And the power of mindfulness and meditation is coming more into the mainstream science findings, supporting what othes have said for many years. It is even being recommended to integrate experiences across brain hemispheres, a critical step in trauma and attachment work. (See Dan Siegel's 'Brainstorm' that was just released)