HBO GO: Still Not Netflix

Last week Barclays analyst Kannan Venkateshwar put together a report that attempted to show the various ways HBO GO could launch as a web service and impact Time Warner’s market cap without destroying the network’s extremely profitable relationship with the MVPDs.

Venkateshwar laid out two possible scenarios:

  • An $11/month option that forces digital-only subscribers to wait for a six-month window before being able to watch new shows. (This offers a $4/month discount from the $15/month the average MVPD charges for HBO.) He assumes that 20% of HBO’s current audience would cut the cord if this model was available.
  • A web-only version with no windows that sells for a premium price of $18/month and is aimed at people who don’t currently have HBO or pay TV.

He assumes that HBO could make $600 million revenue by launching both these options simultaneously.

?It’s a premise that makes for good headlines, but I don’t see it working for a number of reasons.

  1. The Cost Factor: Netflix, at $9/month, has thousands more movies, hundreds more TV shows. Both proposed versions of HBO Go look pretty light, especially the “full” version at double Netflix price.
  2. The Homeland Factor: HBO and Showtime are usually bundled together. So HBO benefits every time someone decides they want to watch Homeland. That also means viewers aren’t all that aware of how much HBO costs on its own via their MVPD, and it makes the paying for both HBO and Showtime into a much more expensive proposition. While HBO is more popular than Showtime, I’m not sure how many viewers are willing to drop the latter for a marginally better experience on the former.
  3. The Hassle Factor: HBO would have to set up a billing system and track down millions of dollars every month. Similarly, viewers would have yet another bill to keep track of and pay every month. While this doesn’t sound like a deal breaker, it’s one more factor that would keep people from making the switch.
  4. The Cheapness Factor: It’s not the $15/month for HBO that’s got people concerned about their cable bills, it’s the other $150 worth of other charges. Given the ease-of-use HBO currently provides pay TV customers with both linear TV and HBO GO, it’s going to be a tough sell to get them to excise just HBO from their cable bills…. especially if the resulting service isn’t superior to what they have or (more importantly) any less money. Cutting the cord and keeping HBO is certainly an option, but I suspect that HBO fans also enjoy watching AMC, ESPN and other networks that require a pay TV subscription. What’s far more likely is that if HBO chose to go it alone, the MVPDs would roll out variations on the low-cost basic cable + HBO packages that Comcast, Verizon and others tested last year.
  5. The Watercooler Factor: I’m still trying to wrap my head around the audience for 6 month old HBO content at a savings of $4/month. People who’ll pay money to watch HBO want to watch their shows live— or at least close to live— so they won’t be left out of the water cooler buzz (real or digital) around shows like Game of Thrones. Waiting six months to join the conversation seems counterintuitive.

While it seems logical to the digerati that HBO Go should be unbundled, the realities of the marketplace make it highly unlikely, at least in the near future. Right now, the prospect of going direct to consumer is a good negotiating tactic for HBO to use with the MVPDs, but the audience for such a product seems rather limited.

David Vogel, CPA

Senior VP of Professional Services at Green C Advisors, Inc responsible for growing, delivering and managing the professional services division of Green C Advisors.

10 年

As usual, your take is spot on...great analysis.

Damien Girardi

Group Design Director

10 年

I agree 100%. Until a day comes where we can just subscribe to shows, I feel like all options will never be good enough.

Pankaj S.

CEO, Co-founder @ mCSquared.AI

10 年

Great piece Alan! its interesting to see why Analysts think content owners are poised to get into the direct distribution themselves and how Netflix has changed the landscape. A few years ago (before House of Cards and Orange is the new Black) there was a window of opportunity where content owners could have seen Netflix as a competitor to other distributors. Increasingly as Netflix continues to produce compelling Grammy award deserving premium content, the picture gets a lot more hazy. You are absolutely right - as long as HBO GO is tied to MVPD "authenticated model" it is not going to be Netflix - but then again (as in all premium content) the game is about building fan bases. Knowing their audiences and the media habits, device and time preferences is a key in being able to follow the complete media consumption journey of their fans and strengthening the fan bases. This audience intelligence will give HBO and other premium content owners the pricing power and bring them at parity with Netflix when it comes to Raising their own Audience IQ. There is no doubt that the immense depth of creative talent at Time Warner (specifically HBO) is going to continue to produce spectacular content year after year. But now theres more choice and thus the media consumer is the ultimate winner!

Kevin Skobac

Managing Director, Strategy Group at SS+K

10 年

Plus they're already licensing the shows on a 3 year delay to Amazon for their excellent Amazon Prime service for a projected $300MM. You could see them closing that window a bit, and getting even more money out of it. Which would approach the target the analyst suggested, without even having to deal with rolling out a service and complicate their own waters on their own.


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