Believe It True...
Ronda Pressley
Senior Recruiter utilizing "Out of the Box Methodologies" to source passive candidates
The theory that if you believe in something long enough, it will become true may sound too good to be true, but it's closer to the truth than you realize. Imagine that when we are each born, we are given a blank canvas. For some, the tools to begin coloring that canvas are easily available while others have little to work with. But the fact is that we all have that blank canvas. How we chose to color it is up to us.
You may be born into circumstances which limit your opportunities, but with determination and hard work you can rise above that climate to achieve great things. Ten or twenty years ago, there wasn't so much focus on believing in one's abilities...we didn't see guru's on the internet, on the tv and in the bookstores touting that if you just focus on the positive aspects of life you can change your reality.
But this advice is as old as it gets...consider Psalms 23:7 "For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." It really is a fact. When we are born, we aren't born with the belief that we are pretty or smart or talented. These are all beliefs that are introduced to us by others within our circle of influence. Parents, relatives, teachers, coaches, friends...they all have had a hand in how we now see ourselves. But regardless of what you have been told - you can change your mind about any of those beliefs at any time.
Your reality is created by the strength of your beliefs. When someone says that they love you. Can you see this thing called "love"? Can you smell it or touch it? No, but it doesn't make it any less real does it? We know that it exists because we "BELIEVE" that it exists. Change your reality by changing what you believe in.
The great Earl nightingale reiterated that when he wrote "the strangest secret" we become what we think about all the days of our lives