Modeling and Simulation for the Data Center Lifecycle
Robert Schmidt
Data Center Digital Twin Executive - Client Innovation, Development & Growth with Digital Infrastructure Software
Speaker: Sherman Ikemoto, Director, Future Facilities
Data centers are a key component of modern companies. Senior management in these enterprises assume that future IT related changes demanded by the business can be accommodated within their data center infrastructures.
Alas, this demand for operational flexibility introduces risks (and costs) into the data center itself and hence to the business as a whole. Unfortunately, most companies don't systematically assess such risks inside their data centers, nor can best practices and rules of thumb adequately address them.
This presentation is about simulation / computer modeling of the data center to analyze and quantify the risks of operational flexibility within data centers, with the goal of moving IT operations from being a cost center to becoming a cost-reducing profit center. The approach will be illustrated with a two year case study from a global financial institution.
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