Award Winning Marketing doesn't always Win for Clients

I'm sure you've seen advertising that caught your brief attention. You maybe heard a funny or clever ad on the radio or read a print piece that made you feel a certain way toward that product. Then maybe, something else grabbed your attention and you possibly forgot about that clever advertisement. Cutesie and edgy and creative doesn't always attract new customers or generate qualified leads and isn't always measurable. or is it? I am all about the marketing analytics.

Don't get me wrong. I love creative work and pushing the envelope as long as I can measure the effectiveness of the effort and it can tie in with several channels to make best use everything available to me where appropriate to the KPI and desired outcomes. I absolutely love working at Vilocity Interactive. for that reason. The business model and marketing philosophy are a great match with mine. While a marketing campaign, whether it's a commercial on TV, radio, or print or web may be memorable for a moment or bring a sense of nostalgia and get tons of shares on Social Media; what difference does it make if there are no paying customers from the effort? Do you remember these?

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