Publish and Run Composites Simulation Tools In the Cloud

We recently launched the Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB (, a community-driven, collaborative platform that has the unique capability to let users to freely publish and run simulation codes in the cloud in addition to all the social network functionalities (blogging, questions/answers, groups, etc.). cdmHUB is build upon the same cyberinfrastructure as nanoHUB, a site praised in Materials Genome Initiative as a good example for open innovation and collaboration. This platform removes the need of installation of the codes on client machines and the need of high end computing resources as it is linked with HPC resources in the cloud. Basically, one can run huge engineering simulations using mobile devices. In additional to computer codes, cdmHUB also host many other types of resources such as animations, lecture notes, oneline presentations, publications, ect. With the collective wisdom and knowledge of the community, we plan to

  • Provide a single site for review of all composites simulation tools
  • Convene composites experts to establish simulation tool maturity level (TML)
  • Identify opportunities and mechanisms for tool integration
  • Identify needs for new tool innovations
  • Support the growth and maturity of new simulation tools
  • Support data bases necessary of verification and validation of simulation tools
  • Support the development of intellectual talent in simulation tool use and development

We are still in the stage of exploring the functionalities of cdmHUB. For example, one can establish their research group online with discussions, wikis, resources, and computer codes accessbile only to their group memebers. Any comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated. We welcome your participation and contribution in any format.

