Live Life. Laugh Lots.
Maddy (Madhavi) Chandrasekara
Elevating Customer Experiences and Strengthening Brand Identity/ Breathwork facilitator/ Mindfulness Coach/Content Specialist
Are you a person who drives a BMW but have no time for your kids?
Are you a person who goes for luncheon meetings and exclusive dinners at five star restaurants but have no time to sit and dine with your family?
Are you a person who buys big and expensive gifts for your family but has no time to gift them your love?
Are you a person who has many people around you but have no one to love the real you?
Are you a person who has achieved many a things in life yet feeling empty inside?
Then, this article just for you
This is for all of you who are very rich yet very poor, successful yet a huge failure.
For the 29 years that I have lived in this world, I have learnt that Life is not about living someone else’s dream. Life is neither about your status nor the designations you hold. Life is not about the car you drive or the perfume you wear. Life is neither about the huge mansions you build nor the grand parties held. Life is not about the image you have created among the business crowd… the so called Elite.
Life is not about any of these big things.
Life is not about exquisite holidays in expensive hotels. It’s about falling asleep in the arms of the one you love. It’s about saying those special vows and living by them through thick and thin. It’s about coming home to the ones that love you, to those loving arms that are waiting for you.
Life is about walking on a cold pleasant night, holding hands with your loved ones, chatting, murmuring and whispering. It’s about, enjoying, laughing to your heart’s content, at home, with all your loved ones talking about everything and nothing. Life is coming home for a home cooked meal. Yes, the joy you get here, you will not get in any of the world’s finest restaurants.
Life is not about being a member of every exclusive club in the country. It’s about been a member of the small unit where there are people who love you for who you really are, the people who will not judge you and the people whom you can get real with. That is the kind of membership you deserve. That’s life.
Life is about the way you hold your loved ones in your arms, with a passionate hug and a gentle kiss. The loving words you whisper into their hearts making them feel loved. Life is love and relationships. If you want to feel what real life is invest in filling your love tank. Invest in being with your children; they will not be kids forever. They will grow up. One day you will look back and see what you missed in your life. Because life is not the illusion you are trapped in. Life goes on while you are been busy.
Life is not about being a celebrity in the stage that you have created. Life is not about projecting the image that we create to the world, the image that says nothing about our true selves, the image behind which we hide our true selves, the image that we try so hard to improve and the image that will make us forget who we really are. Life is about being YOU. It’s about being authentic and realizing self worth.
Life is all about the little things. The things we take for granted. The things we forget. And the things we consider unimportant. Life is all what we will miss on our death bed. That’s what real life is.
Life is not about wealth, property, money or richness. It’s about friendship, love, family, trust, faith and the little things that bring the biggest miracles into our lives.
Make space. Prioritize. Live life. Laugh Lots.
Remember that time we have been given is limited.