Contributive V/S Collaborative ?
Vineeth E.
Agile Leader | Product & Engineering Management | IT Strategy & Team Development | Digital Wellbeing ??| Views are my own
There are two terms that are evolved in team management and deliverables strategy. The contributive and collaborative aspects.I strongly believe that contributive is more transparent with sudden reflex. Please see below my findings on base of the two entities.
Contributive Team
1) I will come to your seat and we will do it together.
2) Yes, it's our mistake.
3) I think it is possible, if we do it together.
4) No I am not the leader,I am your team member.
5) Sorry, client .. "We can't do it in this way, but we will do like this !"
6) Really Agile
7) Sorry client, we are not in real clarity.
8) Yes, we will finish in time as we defined timelines on considering team members as human beings.
9) We don't know magic and we only deliver the real / actuals.
10)There are pain areas but we will resolve as along.
11) No delegation, but contributions.
Collaborative Team
1) I will send a link to you.
2) Yes, it's your mistake.
3) I think it is possible for you, if you can't please search in google.There are many solutions.
4) No, I am the leader, and you are my team member.
5) Yes, client .. "We will do it in this way, and my team member will loose his boy's birthday !"
6) Agile means more work with out a plan.
7) Even though I can't understand, I will pass to the person who assigned this job.
8) Yes, we will forcefully finish in time as we defined time lines on considering my KPI and appraisal goals.
9) Yes, my team members are well know with their magics and they will do anything.
10)There are pain areas and I will delegate it to "YOU" !
11) Delegation is project.