Do we really need to Train our people?
Uday Dholakia
Helping Indian Businesses 10X Sales with Proven Strategies | Sales Growth Consultant | Revenue Acceleration Expert
"We really need to grow, but you see, we have less time and our people can't be withdrawn from the field for even ONE day Selling skill workshop" ! Well, this was the response of an HR executive of one of the growing NBFCs. More or less similar situation is preveiling everywhere. Let me try and put things in frame of 'WHY' one must invest in people development and what is the ideal practice an organization should follow?
I started my first bread & butter fight back in 1991 with a thin earning of some hundred rupees as commission amount, I was not trained then, but subsequently the companies that I have worked with have invested a lot of time and energy to train me for being 'good sales person'. The resultant outcome was fabulous at times and it did help organizations to clock good sales and to establish products as brands. The training also helped me to climb the leadership ladder and made me a successful manager in the organization with leading a successful team.
Here are straight cut outs of 'WHY' one Must invest in Employee Development:
1. It's like Muscles Building ! : An avid Gym goer and work-out freek would agree that as we 'invest' in building those muscles, it strengthen the health & shape up our body, exactly the employee development is like building muscles ! Better in shape..better your company would look !
2. It's like putting your prestigeous 'Merce' in Service ! : Giving your car for a day to service workshop, is essential and important, we might go to office by cab or by car-pull for a day or two? Exactly the same way, we must allow a day or two to 're-energised' or 're-align' our employees
3. Finally, it is putting few money in bank and see them growing ! : As we all love to see our money growing ! we invest and save them, Our employees are like those big or small denomination of currency, puth them in 'training bank' and see them growing !
The ideal practice an organization should follow is 1 day per employee per quarter ( keeping that 80-20 ratio) and large size organization can put 1 day per employee every six month. This is a bare minimum and anything additional will always yield you better results !
I invite your comments, feedback & suggestions on the subject.