New hire Introduction or Induction program

Based on Research and my thoughts as per the recent trend (LinkedIn and Google)below are the Terminology or title are implemented for New hire Introduction or Induction program

  • Orientation
  • On Boarding
  • New hire assimilation
  • New hire orientation
  • Adaption Program
  • Familiarization
  • Socialization
  • Need2know session
  • Top start
  • We love (Country name) life
  • Indoctrination
  • Welcoming session

According to me all of the titles mentioned here are process oriented in that it refers to the actual process each organization us in familiarizing their new comers to their respective organizations.

Frankly speaking most important than the title is the quality of the process and content of the program and the emphasis should be on the content and what it is delivered, what we are achieving with the orientation process. The most important is that new recruit is satisfied with the entire process and feels as a part of the new company and eager to contribute with high level of motivation.

Post training getting a feedback from employee is most important to improve the quality

HR has to focus on clarity of employment, when employee cleared the post offer process and the first day of employment is the beginning of introduction period

Earlier the process of welcoming new employee and making him/her familiar with the company’s new culture, processes and policies used to be called as INDUCTION. But as per the recent trend it’s called On boarding.

Orientation process, which is considered by several SEGMENTS, such as guideline | familiarization plan to help the mentor/ superior to facility the on boarding preparation |as well as the probation evaluation | Emotional activities such as team building & give basic info about Co. Products & service in Classroom, |Sharing the induction book with company information, |Welcome from Director/HOD, |Also walk with them around the office and go for a coffee to discuss any issues and if any there is any relocation helping out for housing, schooling and get a general feel for the current location, |covering quite comprehensive topics from company history, business, cultures, rewards, policies and office administration which are all useful to help new hires to know the company in a quicker way and have a brief idea for what the company is providing them.

On boarding process may not be exemplary, but it helped in the significant reduction of the attrition rate.

On-boarding term also indicating the emotional bond between employer & employee feels about the organization, psychological and relationship settling in and effective journey. It’s a idea of making the emotional connection and understanding the important perceptions are formed from the first communication/impression. This will affect how an employee feels about the organization. In essence, it is related to customer service know-how. Think of your experience when you go somewhere new. It is really how you feel that determines home much you enjoy the experience !

Those are my research and thoughts. Thanks for reading for the long windedness. Let us know your suggestion and feedback.
