So, you want to use a recruiter? Exclusive?
There are many reasons employers use recruitment agencies. Some organisations are without a Human Resources function, some hiring managers are time poor and don't have resources to deal with search and select activities, some are approached by recruiters with a candidate 'in hand they simply can't refuse.
Other organisations see a real value in the extended reach and additional process with having a 3rd party who are professional recruiters.
Now, a lot of companies will use the services of a number recruiters, having multiple agencies working on the same brief. Receiving resumes from all directions from a number of recruiters, surely that would double, triple even quadruple your chances of finding that one special candidate? Wrong!
When agencies know there are other recruiters on the job it becomes a race. Recruiters know that there are a certain number of 'active' and 'passive' job seekers in the marketplace and it becomes a rush to get to those candidates and present the opportunity before the rival agency beats then to the punch.
Unfortunately, this means quality must drop. The agency does not have time to put the candidates through a rigorous process. There is no time to search in depth on databases and often all you get is advertising response. The perfect candidate who can get that extra revenue stream or streamline that process and take a business from good to great may not even get approached.
What is the solution? Retained or exclusive basis with the best recruiter you can find!
With retained work you pay a recruiter up-front for their services. You pay a percentage of the total recruitment fee at the beginning of the search and select activities, usually taken off the total fee upon placement. This puts skin in the game from both the recruiter and the employer.
A good recruiter will outlay a fair investment into a recruitment drive. Advertising costs, database maintenance and head hunting activities would costs a recruiter anywhere from $2000 - $5000 just in the first fortnight!
With non-exclusive, non retained roles where there is other agencies on the case a recruiter knows there is only a 20% chance of making a placement and getting any return on investment. If it is exclusive that jumps to 50%. Retained work has a average 90% chance of making a placement. Now, where do you think a recruiter is going to put all his efforts?
With a retained search agencies have the opportunity to put all there resources to work. Extended database searches, comprehensive advertising campaigns and the knowledge of a committed employer.
If you're looking for the next 'Top Talent', consider using a recruiter on a retained, or at the least exclusive model. It just makes sense.